It's getting hard blogging about my bookstore purchases if I am purchasing something almost every week. Especially during Christmas, I buy presents there. So SPOILER ALERT! Some of these are presents. Others a presents for me.

This is my haul for the last two weeks. I've been to the bookstore about 4 times. I should stop. Yet I keep going.

It is a place to buy Christmas presents. Sometimes I want to shop for everyone there. Except no one reads books let alone in paper back. Not too sure why not. I wish for all the books in the world.

Developer Testing: Building Quality Into Software by Alexander Tarlinder
Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki by Martin Cate with Rebecca Cate
Dune by Frank Herbert
Modarri Cars
Godiva Chocolate

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