"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Posterwire, a blog about movie posters. Neat. I have several in my collection, if you want to call it that. I like to collect them but don't have space for them so I don't. Anyway, my favorites so far are Joe V. The Volcano and Swingers.


Sunday, April 17, 2005
It's just about summer movie season. And to get a start, I caught the latest remake of The Amityville Horror. Not the movie I wanted to watch (The Upside of Anger), but was coaxed into it. In fact I was called out when I complained that it would scare me. It did, but I think it was more because of knowing that something sudden was going to happen. Anyway the movie was standard haunted house. Creepy ghost children. Bleeding walls. Voices telling the occupants to get out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What sucked about this version, they had to explain why it was haunted. You will not believe it, or you would've guessed it. Indian graveyard! Plus scary missionary! What?! Dumb. Don't watch this until it is the only thing on TV.

1 of 5 stars.

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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Hmm. It's starting to become an obsession, but here's a link to the archive of articles she did for Salon. That is all.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
For those in the area, Sarah Vowell will be appearing at Politics and Prose bookstore April 18, 2005. (I am looking at you, Walt) If I didn't have class Monday night, I would be so there.

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Monday, April 11, 2005
My phone, a Motorola v180, is on the fritz. It doesn't want to display anything, but a black screen. This seems to be a hardware problem. As a flip phone, the connectors probably reside in the hinge, and it is probably loose. Damn this sucks as I can't access my phone book. I don't really have too many numbers, but I don't really rememeber anyone's number. Plus, I can't even remember how to dial the voice mail. I am hostage to this broken phone until I can get it fixed.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
After staving off elimination for the last couple of weeks, the inevitable has happened. Brian and Greg have been eliminated from the Amazing Race 7. They were the breath of fresh air for this season. Okay, they were my pick to win, but they did show that they were a bunch of fun. They rocked.

So who's left? Rob and Amber. They will win it if no one yields them. Meredith and Gretchen. They will be the next to be eliminated. Lynn and Alex. Too busy hating. Uchenna and his wife. Slim chance to win. The next leg is non-elimination and it's in India. Heh, heh.

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Sunday, April 03, 2005
David Duchovny is blogging while directing a film. I haven't read anything, but the man married to Tia Leone and having Scully as his work wife gets big props in my book.


Forgive me for the crappy shot that this picture is, but I had to show some of the fun stuff I recently purchased or was sent to me. I took this shot with an iSight that my cousin sent to me as part of a payment he owes me. It is of my new 20" cinema display. I have it hooked up to my TiBook and using it as a second monitor. Having dual displays rocks.

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The battery on my laptop is going quickly, because I just got the 20" Apple Display, that I have to review the two movies I saw this weekend

Guess Who. And in starring in Sydney Poitier's role as the awkward part of an inter-racial couple is Ashton Kutcher. America has just been punk'd. It was weird watching this flick. It was a marketed as a comedy, but had some tones of the original on which it was modeled after. There were some flat spots because of the need to harken back to the original. It was maddeningly a mixed bag. Funny at times, stupid serious at others. It was a train wreck in the making.

2 of 5 stars.

Sin City. Don't believe the hype. I have read 3 of Frank Miller's comic books from this series. They were awesome, especially when I went through my high end pulp fiction phase (think: the black lizard imprint of vantage (?)), yet placed on the big screen, the dialogue sounds awefully bad. The stories were straight revenge. I wish they done the "Dame to Kill for" story, but I think they weren't after the femme fatale plot of many noir flicks. This was Death Wish for the comic book geek set.

3 of 5 stars.

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