The battery on my laptop is going quickly, because I just got the 20" Apple Display, that I have to review the two movies I saw this weekend
Guess Who. And in starring in Sydney Poitier's role as the awkward part of an inter-racial couple is Ashton Kutcher. America has just been punk'd. It was weird watching this flick. It was a marketed as a comedy, but had some tones of the original on which it was modeled after. There were some flat spots because of the need to harken back to the original. It was maddeningly a mixed bag. Funny at times, stupid serious at others. It was a train wreck in the making.
2 of 5 stars.
Sin City. Don't believe the hype. I have read 3 of Frank Miller's comic books from this series. They were awesome, especially when I went through my high end pulp fiction phase (think: the black lizard imprint of vantage (?)), yet placed on the big screen, the dialogue sounds awefully bad. The stories were straight revenge. I wish they done the "Dame to Kill for" story, but I think they weren't after the femme fatale plot of many noir flicks. This was Death Wish for the comic book geek set.
3 of 5 stars.
Labels: movies, review