Last night, we saw The Day After Tomorrow. Just because it is saddled with a ridiculous title doesn't mean that it is a terrible movie. Like all summer movies, it has a few nits to pick, but overall a rather enjoyable movie. Hmm? Enjoyable? That's weird because I usually give movies the ambivalent "s'okay" meaning, "Watch it if you must, but I told you so if it sucks."

I would say the same about The Day After Tomorrow, but it was stupid fun and deserves your money. Cold weather is the new bad guy. Our damsel in distress outruns that wintery blast. Super cooled are freezing things instantly. And everything is CG. What is there not to like about the flick? Watch it if you must, but I told you so that you're gonna have a fun time.

4 of 5 stars.

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