Aug. 8, 2001
10:00 Waiting for St. Petersburg. Looks like the Russians won't let us in. Looking over the passenger list. It looks like Napolean waiting to conquer St. Petersburg. Hitler trying to conquer Stalingrad. We may not be successful.
10:15 We're cleared to have an excursion in Russia. I hope I make it back.
11:00 Anatoly and Micah as our guides.
16:00 Back in St. Petersburg from Pushkin. Drunk from vodka. Got me a bottle.
17:40 St. Isaac's cathedral. "All roads lead to vendor." Thad dude was right. There are the most beautiful girls here.
17:57 Strike by the sea pilot's union kept us in bay this morning. Welcome to Western economic difficulties.

More to say later...

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