The NFL season is only a couple of weeks old and it looks like a long season for my favored team, Tampa Bay Bucs. Their offense stinks. The defense still formidable, but getting slower and slower each year. And the front office seems to be a mess with the ousting of one of the principle architects of Tampa's revival, GM Rich McKay.

I don't know what to think. I loved them as the lovable losers in the late eighties and early nineties. Cheered them on when Coach Dungy turned the sinking ship around in the mid and late nineties. He made them a contender almost every year. Was ecstatic when they won the Super Bowl in 2003. But lately, I am puzzled on their direction. They released John Lynch and Warren Sapp, stalwarts of the defense even if they were aging and on the decline. Their offense even under Dungy sucked, and it still sucks. Why can't Coach Gruden get this thing to work correctly?

Perhaps, I have had it good for so long with this team that when the going gets rough I want to get off their bandwagon. Not me. Not for this lovable team. Go Bucs!
