Pete over at APCB, the initials to the best named blog, ever, lists the movies he's seen that are in IMDb's bottom 100. I'll do the same, but I find it a little bit unfair to try to match a professional blow by blow.

Speed 2: Cruise Control
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Bats -- And I found this one interstingly hilarious.
Iron Eagle II
Jaws 3D -- They used the 3D gimmick as an excuse to send a shark at you.
Tarzan, the Ape man
Jaws, The Revenge -- Must be a shark thing.
Hercules, in New York -- Saw during a bout of insomnia. Who knew that Arnie with a dubbed vocals could be so funny? Why not his own?

As you can see, I like watching quality films! Although, honestly, I have partially seen plenty of the others on the list, but these are the ones I actually sat through.

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