"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, March 31, 2005
March has come to pass and a quarter of the year is done. How am I doing in my doing in my quixotic quest to read 3 books a month? Surprise! After not reading anything last month I finally finished a book not including my assigned school reading. The tally is 2 and a half in January, a quarter in February, and one in March for a grand total of, drum roll please, 3 and three quarter books. My pace is one third what it should be. I am not planning to take a class in the summer, so hopefully, I can make up for the lost time. One question, if I finish off the books I should've read, do I count them as a book for the month or for the month that it should've been finished?

This month's book was Sarah Vowell's Assasination Vacation. It was the book she described on the 2nd disc of the Incredibles DVD. I found it very humorous, and quite good. The blurbs on the jacket are correct and she has a unique literary, and vocal, voice. I plan to read some of her other stuff. A+


Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I haven't read it yet, but anything doing with the Incredibles has my interest at heart.

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Amazing Race 7 brings out the funny in people. The team of brothers Brian and Greg bring their humor to the show. I chose them to win this race, but it looks as if they may have run out of laughs.

Update: And they escape again in a thrilling footrace against this year's J-Vic team! Yes!

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
In reference to the last post, I have watched the Incredibles almost every day since I got it last week except for when my nephew took it home. I bought a new one to replace it. I love this movie.
Sarah Vowell voiced Violet in the Incredibles. She's awesome. Get the DVD. Watch the second disc's Sarah Vowell short. It rocks. She rocks. Catch more of her here.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
In the mid-90s, I fell in love with dub music. It stemmed from my fascination with instrumental music. I guess it came from trying to play surf music on my guitar. Listening to The Ventures lead me to listening to Friends of Dean Martinez. Then it was onto Thievery Corporation. Loved them when I bought their first album on a whim because of the cover. The opening song is a dub like tune. Listening to it made me get into it. I don't have a lot of dub albums, but I can't get enough of it. I don't know why. It probably has to do with the reverb drenched sound, the beats and the bass.

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Today, my predictions have gone to pot. It's just like the NCAA tournament. My brackets have been blown apart. First, those I chose to be last won the latest round, the team I had picked second has been eliminated, and Rob and Amber are making me hate them.

I think that there shouldn't be scheming and playing in the Amazing Race. The first couple of times was cute but the latest (quitting a roadblock because it was too hard) was sucky. It's a terrible ploy. This is a race and it should be won by the soles of your feet not by your brains. This is why the eating roadblocks where they eat more than ever should be thought over.

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Sunday, March 13, 2005
While I went in expecting a terrible movie, I was pleasantly surprised by this comedy. It wasn't as bad as the reviews made out to be and it wasn't as bad as the lack of audience for it has been.

Be Cool was a meta movie. It knew that it was only a movie and played itself out as one. In fact the story line was explicitly told in the first scene. If you kept this in mind the movie was fun. I like that it was meta. It had Swingers. It had Pulp Fiction. It had weaved a wonderful story. I liked it.

3 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, March 12, 2005
TV shows on DVD. I bought the first tv show that came out on DVD, The X-Files, season 1. It was expensive compared to how much they cost nowadays, $129.00. And I have bought through season 6. Other TV shows I am amassing are Red Dwarf, Northern Exposure, The Simpsons and Futurama. I am really waiting for these shows to come out on DVD, Undeclared and News Radio. And once I get that News Radio disc, I'll start up News Radio Quote Month again.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005
The new jetta is ugly. Looks too much like a japanese car, an Accord or Toyota Camry. It is disappointing. My next car might not be a VW. It will be strange , because all my driving life I have been driving a VW. 3 Jettas. 1 MkII white. 1 late MkII green and now this MkIV blue 1.8T.

My Car
Originally uploaded by Broderic Gonzales.
Testing from my flickr album.


My predications have so far been correct. Okay. I am one for one so far, but still I got this week's eliminated team correct. My choice of winner came dangerously close to losing today. Why did I choose these fools? Damn Will Farrells! Damn! And the preview looks as if they're out. Why did I choose these fools? And the Rob and Amber team looks to be a juggernaut.

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Zero. Technically, I am still reading a book so I would say 1/4. My quest to read 3 books a month is failing spectacularly. I did not finish the 1/2 a book needed for January, and missed out on 2 and 3/4 for February. At this rate, March will be just the opening sentence of a book. Pathetic. Although, I am somewhat keeping up with my reading my textbooks.

I am a quarter of the way through The Best American Travel Writing 2004. ed. Pico Iyer.


Good to know where one of my favorite (actually my favorite) morning anchor landed.

I actually watched the simple life to get a final glimpse of her. Mornings are not the same since Jennifer DesMarais moved on. Her sexy voice was great to wake up to.
As promised, my review of Constantine. I don't want to dwell to long on why I did not like it. Go watch Little Nicky. Same plot. Less laughter. I wanted it to be good. The previews made it look good. It ends up that watching it was bad. I was bored. Really bored. Go watch Little Nicky. It is much more entertaining than Constantine.

2 of 5 stars.

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Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Okay. The three weeks are up and the Amazing Race has started its world wide tour in a new season with 12 new contestant teams. This is the seventh season. I have seen three through six loving each one, but after the bicker-fest of last season the show has gotten a bit trying to watch. In fact a lot of the same stuff happened in this first episode that happened in the first episode of last season. The teams did a zip wire. They camped outside. Perhaps having the seasons back-to-back immediately is detrimental to enjoying the race, because you can remember all the ins and outs so readily. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Hopefully, things will go smoothly as there seems to be a lack of a Victoria and Jonathons going around. Perhaps the editors are trying to make it more nice.

Anyway, back to this leg. I immediately am rooting for Rob and Amber to make it far, but not win it all. They act as if they don't need the money, which they don't as they have already won Survivor. They dawdled at the start, but meandered into a 3rd place finish this leg. I like that they don't seem to be in a hurry. I also am rooting for the mom and son team more for the mom to give it her all. I was rooting for the rednecks from South Carolina, but (sorry to spoil it for you) they were eliminated this leg, in a footrace. The others I don't have a feeling for just yet.

Here's my prediction for the outcome of the race. Don't hold me to it.

11 - Ryan and Chuck
10 - Megan and Heidi
9 -- Lynn and Alex
8 -- Meredeth and Gretchen
7 -- Ron and Kelly
6 -- Susan and Patrick
5 -- Uchenna and Joyce
4 -- Ray and Deanna
3 -- Rob and Amber
2 -- Debbie and Bianca
1 -- Brian and Greg (The Will Ferrells!)

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