"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, October 29, 2005

My blog is worth $564.54.

How much is your blog worth?

Friday, October 28, 2005
I think next year I want to ride a century. 100 mile on a bike. I have to start training this winter. Plus I have to pick the rides I want to do before making it to the big one. Any suggestions?

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Since it is spook time here in the US, I thought it would be grand to catch a "scary" movie. So I caught the remake of The Fog. I don't know why.

I don't know why they had to remake it. The original was perfectly workable scary movie in its own right. I don't know why they had to make it PG-13. All the scares were removed. I don't know why they cast Selma Blair in the Adrienne Barbeau role. She's no where near as old to have a son. What, was she 12 when she had her kid? That's a frightening thought.

Anyway. Not scary enough. Dumb plot twists. Dumb casting.

2 of 5 stars.

Stick to reading ghost stories this Holloween.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
What better way to start celebrating the scary holiday than some cheesy animated film. I am a fan of Wallace & Grommit. Also of animation. Stop motion is fun to watch. I thought the movie, though, was too long by a half hour. Wallace & Grommit are best as a short film. This was a bit stuffy too.

3 of 5 stars.

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This past sunday a colleague of mine was hit by a car while riding his bike. He's alive today, but has been in the hospital for a while, and has received several opertions. Hopefully, he will recover and ride again someday, but this did not need to happen.

I implore both car drivers and bicyclists to be courteous to each other and share the road. Car drivers especially need to be more careful around bicyclists. You don't own the road completely, but you have more control of the situation. Share the road.

The following are links to bike advocacy groups.

Active Transportation
League of American Bicyclists
One Less Car

Hopefully, this will help educate both bicyclists and drivers.


Thursday, October 13, 2005
Should I join the professional organizations that are available for my profession? And which one IEEE or ACM?

If they didn't cost so much a year, maybe. Maybe.
Okay. If the Nano was not enough to give you gadget drool, then this, the v-iPod (it should have vi), should. Nice.

Except some people are unhappy with all the press that Apple has been garnering lately. Is it really deserved?

I take it with a grain of salt. I am an Apple fanatic. Most importantly, a Mac fan. I think OS X is the shiznit. Yet, I am not so enthused about the iPod. But whatever keeps Apple afloat to churn out more Macs, I am in favor for.

So, go ahead and complain about the hype surrounding an Apple product launch. Don't forget to mention that there have been failed Apple products. Don't forget to mention that Apple has a small percent of the computing market share. Don't forget that Apple is always on the verge of disappearing.

But don't forget that she's still around. And she's beating the bigger guys in the market of ideas and innovation.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005
I need to stop watching Supernatural, a dumb, lame imitation of Friday The 13th, the series. It is starting to scare me.

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Sunday, October 09, 2005
This is my pal, Jay's, blog. He's the dude that runs Jay's Shave Ice. That site's down and it seems that he hasn't done much updating of his blog. Visit it any way or else he'll keep leaving me comments like this.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I am still digging on the Amazing Race Family Edition. But it's not as fun as the normal style, because they are going to be sticking in the US. There seems to be no flights to foreign lands which, if you know anything about the Amazing Race, the airport is the great equalizer.

Today's episode had them running around York, PA and then onto Washington, D.C. Just around my backyard. I wondered when they did this? I would've liked to have seen them running. They did go down I-83, and I was expecting them to be stuck circling the beltway trying to find I-95 south.

This style is going to be a drag, if they don't start bunching. I think I am still rooting for the all girls squad. Also, the son-in-laws.

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The battle with the itunes iplaylist inotifier has been lost and I deleted the offending post. Right here would be a link to that post, but it is gone now. Check Google's cache to see if it is still there. Or maybe in my archive links on the right.

Now it should look good for those on IE.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Hey, the next supreme court justice has a blog. Sweet.

I just got into work today and found out the post for the iTunes playlist looks ugly under IE. I want to post some extra items in order to move that post out of the way of the front page. I don't want to delete it because I thought the playlist thing was cool.


These are just random links.

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This picture is not so bad. I wish the dragon head was more clear, but the composition is nice.

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Sunday, October 02, 2005
The presentation is also the report. I chose PolySpace. Did I choose wisely? Does any of this sound correct?

Download PDF or PowerPoint of report.

WARNING: My server space is becoming limited and these will disappear soon.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
More remixes of movies go give them a different atmosphere.
Boy that post below just doesn't fit in this window hunh?

Well, NewsRadio Quote Month is over. Thank god! I was getting tired of the length of my titles. I hope you enjoyed them. If you like the show, please buy the DVD for seasons 1 and 2, so that they will release the rest of the seasons. I want more NewsRadio.

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