I hope these two help in you choosing what to see this weekend.

Cars. I saw it with my two nephews. They enjoyed it, but it didn't thrill them as much. I felt this was a weaker effort by the Pixar crew. It ranks below Finding Nemo and that was my least favorite of the bunch.

3 of 5 stars

An Inconvenient Truth. It really should've been title, "We Are Fucked." Global warming is here. If we don't do anything about it, we will be swimming in Manhattan. We need to change our ways. Let's all ride a bike to work. Perhaps cut down on working. Where do I get these fluorescent lightbulbs? Now. I liked the movie. The message was important. We need to start working to change our ways.

The only problem I had was that it made me sad to see Al Gore. It was the lost presidency. I've always believed that our president should be smarter than us. This guys a wonk's wonk and a nerd's nerd. He was passionate about changing our ways for the good. And instead of this thinking person, we get the brain dead, fucktard George W. Bush. Gore was thinking of the future. Bush and his Republican cronies look to the past. No vision. No brains. Fuck George Bush in the ass.

That's why I had to give this movie one less star than it deserves. I get pissed thinking of what could've been, should've been. And I watch Al Gore do a slide show presentation.

3 of 5 stars.

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