Somewhere in this movie was a funnier film. It seems as Ivan Reitman has lost his touch. It felt a lot like Evolution. It's supposed to be funny because of the premise, but the execution of it did not work.

There were a few funny things in the movie. The first "sex scene" had be laughing to tears as well as the rest of the audience, but that doesn't make up for the rest of the unfunny.

The plot was thin, and the critics are correct in calling this a misogynist movie. Uma Thurman was set up to be a screeching, needy woman. Her power emasculated all males she came into contact with. In fact her origin scene basically stated that upon receiving her powers, the boy in her life was left alone, which caused him to be bitter. What a strange view of the power of woman. It caused me to cringe a few
times. It is strange to have such a bitter outlook on woman.

Luke Wilson needs to be a straight man. He needs others to be around him to be funny. That dude from The Office was supposed to be the funny, second banana, but was not in enough scenes to make Luke Wilson better.

2 of 5 stars.

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