The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Not one of Wes Andersons best. Funny. Especially the filipino pirates.

Here's a question, "What would their movies be like if Wes Anderson did Coen Brothers scripts and vice versa?" It was all I thought about while watching this flick. Both directors have a manner in their storytelling and in their filming. What would The Big Lebowski have been if Wes Anderson and his cast of regulars did the film? What about this flick done by the Coens? John Goodman in the Klaus role or would it be better filled by John Torturro? And what part would Steve Buscemi play? The intern?

Anyway, it wasn't as fun as Bottle Rocket or as sweet as Rushmore, but it did have its moments. And it is imaginative.

3 of 5 stars.

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