Summer movie season is limping to a close. I have seen plenty, yet I haven't seen enough. The movies have really sucked this year. I didn't think they were bad last year, but I can feel how lame they are now. Perhaps it's time to retire?

Anywho, here's two movie for which I'll provide my thoughts on film.

Scoop is a Woody Allen affair. Thank god he's not the romantic lead. Scarlett Johanson and Wolverine (whats-his-name) are. To tell you the truth, I went for Scarlett. The movie is light and breezy like a Woody Allen comedic routine. It's just that it was one of many of a long string of Allen films that leave you wondering about the writer and the director. Where's the magic?

3 of 5 stars.

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. I'll admit that I thought this would suck ass. The writers and director already teamed up on the very lame Anchorman and the producer, Judd Apatow, produced the equally lame 40 Year Old Virgin. I wasn't thrilled to see it, but I needed some funny. You get it in this film. Nothing like a reference to make the day go by.

3 of 5 stars.

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