Last night, instead of working out, I caught The Descent with The Seed. It's supposedly, according to the blurb on the movie poster, a return to horror just like Alien. That's the first one notice the singular.

Anyway, it wasn't a return to Alien frights. It had some good scares, but nothing special. I jumped at times. There was a feeling of claustrophobia in being in the cave, but it was soon vanquished once the monsters showed up. I think it would've been good for the director to have used the dark better to make the film more scarier.

Unfortunately for this movie, it follows last summer's The Cave. They have some things in common. I kept waiting for bat creatures, but they
weren't. Come to think of it, the creatures are descendents of humans similar to the bat creatures in The Cave being mutated humans.

I check the tomato meter at rottentomatoes and it's doing very well at 83%.

Surprising since most of the review snippets I read there give it a splat. What's most interesting is that I learned that there was an original ending that differs very much from the one shown in the US. Watch it if you've only seen the original. It changes the ending completely. And it makes it more interesting.

BTW, I had trouble sleeping. Waking up around 3 in the AM. Waiting for gollums to crawl around my room. I was in a hazy, twilight state. Awake just enough to know I was, but not conscious to be able to move around. I tried willing my limbs to move, but they reacted in slow motion. I would've been cooked, if I believe in monsters of the supernatural kind.

I think I'll not go spelunking at all.

3 of 5 stars.

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