The new Bond film opens this weekend. There's a lot of chatter on the net about it. Lots of people are excited and I hear that it is getting some decent reviews.

Here's a link to a page with many of the theme songs from past bond films. I never new how cool they sounded. While certainly there are a few clunkers, putting all these onto your iPod would be cool. Someone rip these for me.

Anyway, there are a few that are cool. Check out the "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" theme song and you'll find the precedent for "The Incredibles" theme. Garbage, a favorite band, did "The World is Not Enough" and it sounds like them. "You Only Live Twice" was sampled by Robbie Williams for "Millennium," but it still is a cool tune. I am going to have to see if the iTunes Music Store has all these.

And of course Bond's Theme song is rather cool as well.