My brother worships at the altar of Sid Meier. He's played all of the Civilization games, and has even met the dude. (He should get a job with Firaxis).

I on the other had have complete fascination with Will Wright. On my first PowerBook, the estemable PowerBook 140, I had two of his games, SimEarth and SimAnt. Unfortunately, my brother crashed that machine by playing Civ on it all day. Anyway, SimEarth and SimAnt were fun simulations which I played most of the my senior year in college. SimEarth was my favorite. I could never get some bigger mammals to rule the world. They all ended up being little fuzzy creatures populating the planet. The best though was crashing meteors onto the place and stir up the dust to kill your planet off. I think I want to put that onto my PowerBook 190, but it'll probably run too fast.

It looks as if Will Wright is making a new game that is similar to SimEarth. It sounds cool. I hope it runs on a Mac.