This review of The Fountain is overdue. I had seen it last weekend. While the Ravens were beating up on Pittsburgh, I was contemplating the meaning of life with Hugh Jackman and Racheal Weisz. If that isn't a mindfuck Sunday, then what is?

When the credits started rolling, a lady behind us asked, "Did anyone get that?" The audience muttered something that wasn't a resolute yes, but a half-hearted no. Most people laughed as well figuring that everyone didn't get the film.

But what was there to get? It was another movie contemplating life. In fact it can be summed up simply with "live your life to the fullest or you'll regret it." It just so happens that if you live forever and you don't follow this maxim, you'll want to plunge yourself into a dying star to make up for this regret.

2 of 5 stars.

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