Movie watching continues apace. I really wanted to write some deep insightful reviews of these three, but can never get them started.

Catch and Release. It was a Jennifer Garner weekend that was. This movie is a supposed romantic drama-dy, and such it disappointed on both the romantic end, the dramatic end, and the comedic end. You saw all the funny parts in the trailer. The drama was used as an explanation to the marketers as to how the movie really didn't have too much laughs. The romance! The romance? I just didn't get. Your fiance dies and you want fall for the one person who's a cad? Please. In a comment at Margeaux's, I believe the film to be too sappy, because it embraces the love story in the end. If it ended with them not making up and her out on her own it would've felt real. As for that, it felt like another marketing decision and the director/writer should've know to stick to her convictions of the story and not have them hook up again. It would've been a smarter, mature movie that way.

2 of 5 stars.

Because I Said So. Someone should've asked her to keep her mouth shut. What is happening to Diane Keaton? And what is happening to Mandy Moore? Keaton is Annie Hall, but that character is feeling a bit sad in her old age. Moore is in another bad movie. Whatever? I should not have seen this one.Capitol Swell has a better review. Let's just say Mandy Moore needs to read more better scripts.

2 of 5 stars.

The Messengers is a j-horror film in the middle of Nebraska. Yes. That sounds incongruous and the movie was. It was filled with worn out j-horror images. Things you've seen in other movies. J-horror is becoming extremely tired like the slasher horror genre before it. They need to make creepier films built to scare the bejeebus out of you when you get home. After watching this, I was scared but soon forgot why by the next morning.

2 of 5 stars.

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