"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
This dude is trying to watch the Criterion Collection. I think he's crazy.

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Monday, March 26, 2007
Too confused to actually post something worthwhile. I'll just ramble on for a bit.

Saw Premonition. It was confusing too as I thought of it as a thriller going in, but in reality it was a science fiction story.

3 of 5 stars.

Saw TMNT. Turtle power! Adequate. I should've gone with my nephews or in a later showing as it was all kids on a sunny Sunday matinee.

3 of 5 stars.

Bought Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds on DVD. Something about 'Tippi' Hedren that's got me fascinated. It's a fun movie. Starts as a rom-com and ends in terror. That you got to love.

4 of 5 stars.

Spring is here.

I feel like shit.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Do not play this game. It'll keep you up for hours on end.

UPDATE: Play along by choosing the normal game and when you get your ass handed to you, save your high score and enter BrowserMetrics as the group.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Once more with the Mary Hatch/George Bailey thing. It's an obsession.

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Lisa: How's your leg?
Jeff: Hurts a little.

Lisa: And your stomach?
Jeff: Empty as a football.

Lisa: And you're love life?
Jeff: Not too active.

Lisa: Anything else bothering you?
Jeff: Mm-hm. Who are you?

Is there are more dramatic entrance than Grace Kelly in Rear Window? She's beautiful.

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Tossing and turning last night so I put on Can't Buy Me Love to help me to get to sleep. Loved that movie as a kid. It's pretty stupid. Yet I feel that's a classic. Whatever happened to Amanda Peterson? She fell off the face of the earth or what?

Anyway, I was thinking about why there isn't any good romantic comedies. There's plenty, but I don't like much. Maybe it's just me. I get so cynical about it that light-hearted screen gems don't do much for me.

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Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

This is from my new Panasonic DMC-FX50. Point and shoot. I have to see more pictures to make a true judgement. This is the best of the first test batch.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
For those fans of this show (I'm not one really), I hope you got the first issue of the long awaited comic book.

Reads nice.


This is a test post from the latest version of MarsEdit. Supposedly, it can now post to the new blogger. Here we go...


Friday, March 16, 2007
Continuing in the vein started on Pi day.

Happy Birthday to Gio. If you want to know whom I am talking about
check out the Washington Post.


Thursday, March 15, 2007
Beware the ides of March!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
If you had watched the Amazing Race this past Sunday, you'll know that the title tripped up the great Rob and Amber. Don't worry it was the bane of Magellen as well.

Now who to root for? Terri and Ian! Charla and Mirna? F no! That girl is scary. But most likely, it would be those anonymous couple Dani and what's his name? They're under-rated.

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Passing along some coffee nerdery news for those that imbibe.

Starbucks tomorrow, March 15, has their coffee break special where they'll give you a free cup of joe from 10 to 12.

Also, March 21 Dunkin Donuts will be giving away free iced coffee all day in celebration of the vernal equinox.

(ht to Jaded Wings)

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Happy Pi Day! Nerds!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Filled out my tournament bracket. I have Louisville losing to Kansas in the finals with a score of 86 to 79. Why did I pick Kansas who are known to lose big time? Perhaps because that coach is now at UNC?

Oregon and Texas round out my final four.

I don't think I'll be getting far this year.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007
Tossing and turning throughout the night. It was too hot, because it was too cold. My furnace was running all night long. I woke up at 3. I woke up at 5. I woke up at 8.

It was when I was waking up at 8 did I get another dream. With I. I thought I was through with her. Yet the heat got to me.

She's visiting. I don't really know why. Knowing what I know about her I ask, "How's your little girl?" "She's good." And we're off talking about her family.

Yet, we end up in an embrace. She's on my lap now, and I am kissing her half-hearted.

"I don't feel comfortable kissing a married woman with kids."

"But you're not kissing a married woman." She wants me to show her how.

And we embrace in an even more passionate way.

I miss that. The feel of a woman. Their body next to yours.

Why do I feel the need to write these down? Why do I post them on the internet? Anyway, I thought the quote was great, something Barbara Stanwyck would say.

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Season 3 of The X-Files had one of the most memorable episodes of its run, Jose Chung's "From Outer Space." In it the titular author, Jose Chung is writing his non-fiction science fiction account of the abduction of two teenagers. He interviews Agent Scully (Wow!), but the whole abduction thing has a Rashomon effect and the truth is not so cut and dry. In fact no one knows exactly what happened. It is a mystery. As the interview with Agent Scully (Woot!) wraps up, she tells him that at least it has an ending, which is more than she can say for the rest of her cases.

That's how Zodiac seems to have been. At least it has an ending. And at least we get some kind of closure. But (SPOILER ALERT) if Arthur Leigh Allen didn't do it, there's plenty of circumstantial evidence to have the fingers pointing at him.

What I found as I watched is that, in this very age, detective television shows such as the X-Files, CSI or Law and Order make it tough to watch police procedurals at the cinema. Each week Law and Order solves a crime and brings to justice the perpetrator. Zodiac neither solved the crime or brought to justice the perpetrator, but it had an ending whether satisfying or not Scully would've approved.

Zodiac still felt like an episode of Law and Order. It was divided into two parts. The "Order" part wherein Mark Ruffalo's detective tries to piece together a case, and the "Law" part with Jake Gyllenhall picks up the case and identify the true killer and his motives so that he can be brought to justice. And that's just the story's structure.

Again like detective television shows, I expected the CSI to nail the villian. He couldn't have been too smart to get away with it. There is always evidence that will incriminate. Yet, the detectives couldn't find any. I was wondering if they didn't have decent crime scene investigators in the 70s.

All in all, Zodiac felt more like television. It strikes out trying to be a film because it feels too much like crime shows on tv. If only they put the ominous chords associated with Law and Order, it may have been good.

3 of 5 stars.

Matt Zoller Seitz really captures exactly what I wanted to say with his review.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

a Man with No Name

You scored 8 Honor, 4 Justice, 8 Adventure, and 4 Individuality!

It's one thing to be a gunslinger. It's another to wander into town, leave nothing but a trail of those who'd try your skill and take the town's gratitude and cash with you. Hero or villan? It's all in how you look at it and whose side you're on.

Cigar in your teeth and colt on your hip, you are ready to step into the hazy desert horizon. You'll do just fine.

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Link: The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test written by fluffy71 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Usually, my dreams are about long, lost infatuations. Not this time.

I woke wondering if I really did win the Amazing Race. You see it started because early in the evening I had watched the latest episode of the Amazing Race. It was ta-ta for Kentucky who should've done better, but missed the all too important turn off to the detour. Sucks as they seem to be genuine and generous people deserving of winning $1 million.

Anywhoo, back to my dream...

I was participating in the race. I can't rightly say who my partner was or even if I did. Maybe it was Capitol Swell as he seemed to clue me in on some meaning of the clue to help me win.

I was running around a mall. It seems that the final stage had me run through a mall and find some magazine. In the magazine (or book) there was a clue which upon purchasing the magazine needs to be read by the checkout person.

I had a substantial lead, but squandered it away getting lost (like Kentucky!) with the last couple teams catching up. We find the same place. We find the rack. I pull a magazine, but end up in second after another team. They get to the checkout, but the checkout person can't say they have it. This is where Capitol Swell comes to whisper, "Dude, the tag!" I run back and exchange the magazine for the correct one, checkout, and announced the winner.

Right. I should've made it to the carpet, but my dream took me straight to winning the $1 million. WooHoo!

Well, Phil interviews me and the first thing I say is that I am quitting my job. (For half a million after taxes! Sweet!) I worry about doing the talk show rounds. I do the CBS morning show, and I say that I doubt that I can win against the robot team of Rob and Amber. They're awesome!

What a strange dream that one was.

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Check out some extended scenes from Spiderman 3. Can't wait. For the HD download that is. Be careful it'll take a while and clog up your CPU usage. But enjoy it.

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Saturday, March 03, 2007
It's the weekend and I usually like to run a long post for you to read on Saturday evenings. I suck at writing and time has been cut short with some things to do. I think I should write those items up over the week and just post them Saturday. Who am I kidding?

Here's some links for the day. Stuff I was browsing through and found interesting. Hope you like 'em.

A switcher from PC to Macs makes a list of things that he has learned. (hat tip to Fake Steve Jobs)

Not getting things done. I do this often.

Believe in one thing on this list and join the extreme wing of liberalism! Huzzah! We're all bad! What a wanker!

Happy Birthday, Jessica Biel!

I can't tell if Black Sheep is trying to be like Shaun of the Dead or a more serious movie. Baa!

Talks amongst yourselves.

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I forgot to mention spring break.

Girls gone wild and all.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

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