Good Luck Chuck

I saw the trailer to this movie before 3:10 to Yuma. I turned to the Seed and said, "I'm conflicted. I really want to see Jessica Alba, but that Dane Cook gets on my nerves."

And he does.

There's been some speculation about why the trend in romantic comedies is to make the man a shlub and woman a hot girly-girl. It's an interesting idea where the girl has to be hot but is reaching for someone low. What world is it that a shmoe like Dan Cook can get a hottie like Jessica Alba? Would it be a spoiler if I told you he wins her heart in the end?

Dan Cook lives a fantasy life where he gets to bed girls who'll not want to cuddle. He's the fuck that'll get the girl to her true love. The girls have to kiss a frog before they find their prince.

Jessica Alba is the one, goofy and cute. She's enough to make Dane Cook want to hop off the f-train and onto the r-train, a real relationship.

There's some laugh out loud moments especially with grape fruits. It's light like a candy bar snack, but it isn't good for you. You'll also experience regrets for choosing it. I wanted to watch this movie, because of Jessica Alba. After watching this movie (and Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer), I may not be so quick to buy a ticket to her next endeavor. If it's got Dan Cook in it, I'm confident I won't.

2 of 5 stars.

PS. Why does it seem as if Dane Cook's face is composed of 1/3 above his nose, 1/3 below his upper lips and 1/3 of the space between his nose and lips? He's got to be disproportionated in the face region there.

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