Missed Arroces Bags packed Closing up Villa Ellicott Hasta pronto Monte Pego

Aug. 16, 2007

12:17 Villa Ellicott
This countries 11:00pm news begins @ 1am. Just packing. Ate at Buena Vista Restaurante. No paella. It had to be preordered which we didn't know. Bummer. The waitress was tres linda. Brunette, tall, and glasses. The meal was okay. I got the fish baked in salt. It wasn't served in it. Bummer.

Adios, Villa Ellicott. Muchas gracias for all the fun. Voya con dios. Mira en 15 anos.

Pardon the bad spanish. I really don't know what I am writing. It was morning and I faced a long drive. No thanks to CapitolSwell.

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