Over the weekend, we celebrated a cousin's birthday by eating and drinking at the Brazilian churrascaria, Fogo de chao, in lovely downtown Baltimore. I'm not usually the one to offer a restaurant review. So I won't, and I'll leave it up to CapitolSwell or even OnoCoffee to jump in with their takes. All I can say is that's a lot of meat.

Seated next to these gastronomes the talk drifted of going to Spain and starting a little café. They thought Barcelona. I thought otherwise. The city on the tip of my tongue which I couldn't get out that night was San Sebastian. I think of that place more and more because of the surf and the wild Atlantic that it abuts. Not to put down Catalan whose hot and sexy Mediterranean feel would be welcome any day this cold winter, but I think adventure would wait in the Northern climes of Spain.

Anyhoo, I read this piece in Slate today about astonishing number of fine restaurants in the city of San Sebastian. Seems to me to be the place to be. For food. And the surf!


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