This is really weird.

When I test out my homework from home (Mac OS X 10.5.2: Safari AND
Firefox), it works. At work (WinXP: IE 6.0), I supposedly get some kind
of HTTP response 500: Internal Server Error.

Give it a shot because I want to know if it's just me or if it's
IniTech's firewall rules.

What's supposed to happen:
You click on that link, which submits a query to the page
"commandResponse.jsp." The query is that string, "command=blowup."
Submitting this command should cause a "divide by zero" error and the
server should throw an exception. Yet, there's a page to catch this
exception which serves up an HTML page that "blowup" the server. If it
works. The failure that Internet Explorer sees (or IniTech's firewall)
relates to the "divide by zero" exception as it seems to have received
the HTTP 500 response. Currently, I don't know WTF.

Submit your results in comments. Specifically mention what OS (Win or
Mac) and what browser (IE, Firefox, etc.) Thanks for the help.

If you want to see the rest of Assignment 5, go here:

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