Anyway, my brother has been suggesting an iPhone. He thinks she's ready for the touch interface. I think she is too, but her computing hardware is sorely lacking. You need a MacIntel machine to actually run the latest iTunes to manage the iPhone. On top of buying a new iPhone, she'll still have to upgrade her laptop. Is that the best solution?
I suggested and iPad. I thought it wouldn't need iTunes to manage it, but the more I think about the problem, the more it resembles the iPhone issue. She will still need an laptop to manage content on the iPad directly. Is this necessary and can she get away with using the iPad as a main computer?
I was wanting to get her an upgrade to a new MacBook. I don't want her to as having the computing power is negated by what she uses the computer for: web-surfing and email. It would be a complete waste unless she begins to migrate to the computing age.
What say you? What's the best upgrade path for her?
Labels: just asking, mondays
I guess it depends. I was thinking the same thing too for my Mom. She has the Mac Mini but she's not really good at the mouse thing. She's good on the phone, so I was thinking refurbed ipad for her bday. Not sure yet. I mean it's not like she's saving files. She's just shopping and reading emails. But the difference is that my mom at least still has the Mac Mini for syncing.
It really makes you realize that they need to drop the Macbook price to the mac mini price and drop the mini price another $200 or at least $100. That would fill price gaps and widen the variety people can purchase, because at the prices now, you could get for the full computer experience a refurbed Macbook Pro for around $900, a refurbed Macbook air for $849, or the new Macbook Air 11' for $999(which is all the power she needs). The Macbook is $999 so the air is an option now.
As for the ipad it depends on what sites she frequents and if they are heavy in flash. Vacation websites are still heavily flash oriented. Does she really download files? Does she really need to sync it that often? I think she would love the ipad experience. It's fool proof and easy to read email and news. Battery last forever.
I say either new Macbook Air 11', refurbed Air 13" or refurbed Macbook and the ipad are all good options with only price being a factor. The ipad as mentioned has some consideration.
I wrote this real fast so hopefully it made sense.
Nuke the place from orbit... it's the only way to be sure.
Plus she also needs to mount a camera to download her pictures.
I'm thinking she just needs a new laptop.
Ipad is only useful as a secondary machine. Get her the Air! Heh.
Why MBP? Even when I've relegated my own mom to my 2005 iBook? Mainly because the MBP can probably handle her needs for the next ten years.
Take my desktop, for example. A 2000 era G4/500MP Mac tower. I still use it as my "primary" computer and it's ten years old. And I do all sorts of work on it today.
Of course, the G4/500 is towards the end of it's lifetime as I'm planning on replacing it. In fact, I'm thinking of replacing it with the Mac Mini Core 2Duo that I use upstairs for accounting work - and that my Mom hijacks for general computing, writing and video chatting with Lucy.
So, I'll probably get my mom the iMac i3, take the Mac Mini and get her into some serious machinery.
I'm definitely down on the iPad - even I don't like using mine. And the iPhone is good (my mom uses hers for all sorts of things) but it's not a replacement for a proper computer.
Get the MBP and be done with it.
MBP refurb! It also has that built in card reader she can use for her camera.
Also it makes sense cash wise too because you'll be saving bucks. I never had problems with my refurbs and if you do it's under the same warranty as new ones.
Refurbed MBP or the Air. She'll be missing the keyboard if u go on touch interface. She needs a good sized screen so she can watch some of her Filipino DVDs. She needs flash to open that Nordstrom website.
iPad can be good too w/ a back up external keyboard. U can sync it every month maybe. U can schedule it. She can read some books. The other thing is uhm, good to play w/ for that little girlie there... =D