My mom's main computer is a G3 iBook circa 2005/2006 (Not truly sure), and she's looking for a new computing experience. What should she get? An iPad? A new Apple laptop? An iPhone? Switch to the cheaper Wintel 7 platform? I have no idea and this post is trying to solicit responses and advice from my blog friends, all two of them!

Anyway, my brother has been suggesting an iPhone. He thinks she's ready for the touch interface. I think she is too, but her computing hardware is sorely lacking. You need a MacIntel machine to actually run the latest iTunes to manage the iPhone. On top of buying a new iPhone, she'll still have to upgrade her laptop. Is that the best solution?

I suggested and iPad. I thought it wouldn't need iTunes to manage it, but the more I think about the problem, the more it resembles the iPhone issue. She will still need an laptop to manage content on the iPad directly. Is this necessary and can she get away with using the iPad as a main computer?

I was wanting to get her an upgrade to a new MacBook. I don't want her to as having the computing power is negated by what she uses the computer for: web-surfing and email. It would be a complete waste unless she begins to migrate to the computing age.

What say you? What's the best upgrade path for her?

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