Snippets of a dream.

I awoke this morning happy and sad at the same time. This one may just be very, very weird, and the twists and turns should make it terrible, but still, I endured and awoke smiling. I believe anytime I think about her (or them or the Ur-girl), I'll be happy. The closest I'll get to a female. *sigh*

S came out of my brother's room. I was surprised.

We're downstairs. She meets my parents. Dinner? Lunch? It was cold outside
and everyone's on the couch watching television.

S and bro? They are on the couch together. Her hand's in his. I am jealous.

I go upstairs and check my brother's bedroom. There's only one bed. I am jealous.

I punch the walls. I punch the windows. I storm into my room. My feelings are hurt. This a betrayal! I thought *we* were friends. How could she? How could he?

I try calling CapitolSwell on my cell. Pick up so I can bitch. No answer.

She comes into my room with her little dog. I confront her straight up. "Are you going out with my brother?" She laughs at that. How do I interpret this?

My sister-in-law is there! How do I interpret this?

S looks at the pictures on the wall. She likes one of my self-portraits. I say that's not the best one. It's too dark in color and tone and muddy. There's another self-portrait in around here because I am vain like that. The colorful one hangs in the hall. She likes it too. Is she making small talk? She's smiling and gay.

She's got to be leaving soon. I pick up her dog who had pooped on the floor. She picks up the poop and throws it down the drain.

We try to catch up. I think she likes me now.

She says, "Where's my ribbon for my 30?" What does that mean? Are we that young, because I feel like my 39 year old self. I give her a hug and wish her a happy birthday. Sister-in-law also wishes her well. We are friends now. I think she likes me.

I wake up. What a delicious dream.

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