One of things about cooking once in awhile is that you accumulate plenty of ingredients which you may or may not use again. In my root cellar I had a potato which I threw into my Mushroom Soup. I still have some garlic and an onion in there as well. I thought about making some eggs this morning but found my sink with the frying pan I would use. So in lieu of making an omelette, I decided to roast the remnants of the head of garlic and try to make some type of garlic butter spread.

I first boiled the garlic as per this recipe. Then when they were tender. I pan fried/roasted them in a tablespoon of oil. I actually used some salt, thyme ,and red pepper flakes as they cooked in the frying pan. When golden brown, I threw the cloves in a container with a tablespoon of butter and mashed them together. The butter melted, but I'm hoping that storing in the fridge will resolidify it.

What should I use this garlic spread for?
