This Means War came out around Valentine's Day. I only got to watching it today, and while watching, I can see the trappings of why it was released as such. You have lots of action: things blowing up good, guns a'popping, and fists and punches thrown. That would bring in the male demographics. The fact that the men doing the action are the pretty boys, Chris Pine and Tom Hardy, would also bring in the ladies. The female demographic can also settle for it being some kind of love/relationship story. The marketing threads are so apparent for this movie that it is no wonder that they went for the bang on Valentine's day.

The movie as much as it was marketed for the ladies spends much of the time with Pine and Hardy. They're good buddies in the CIA after the deadly Jonas Brothers. After a botched (incompetent) opening, one of the Jonas Brothers was dead and the surviving one has vowed revenge. He'll be important as the third part will have to resolve this part of the story.

Pine and Hardy after that incompetent opening are desk bound. They're left to wonder about what to do. The slack in the story allows Hardy to go all emo and Pine to go all debonair. Hardy has a kid and an ex who doesn't want a wimp as a lover. Pine has his fun chasing women. What he doesn't have is a copy of the bro code. Hardy starts web dating and meets up with Reese Witherspoon's character. She, as all female leads in rom-coms, is a successful entrepreneur who isn't successful in her love life and has to rely on her wacky female friend to put up an entry in the internet dating site. Witherspoon and Hardy meet and hit it off, but soon after Pine bumps into her trying the pick her up. She goes out with both.

Pine, no matter how close he's to Hardy, goes against the bro code once it is revealed that they're now dating the same girl. He doesn't yield to Hardy's emo. He doesn't respect his buddies choices. Instead he lets his girl-getting ego take over and challenges Hardy to her. Then they both end up using government assets to spy on each other to slow the other's progress with Reese. Bro code be damned!

Nothing good will come out of a marketing driven movie. I can see all that they threw to attract both males and females to this movie. I couldn't take it serious. This was a product meant to attract the most movie goers. It's just that. Guns and love. Everything is nothing.

2 of 5 stars.

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