Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom has to grow on you or else you don't believe in anything that Wes Anderson does. I'm almost there. He's very mannered and within Moonrise Kingdom those mannerism started to grate. I was ready to hate it until I figured it out. Moonrise Kingdom is his homage to the French New Wave, Nouvelle Vague.

There was the off-kilter angles, the jump cuts, the strange close ups, the disaffected youth running from authority. Nouvelle Vague, a genre I don't watch too much of. It took me a while to understand that it was, and when I did I started to enjoy it more. The Wes Anderson mannerisms were sublimated to some Nouvelle Vague conventions. It's been a while since I was a film student; luckily this film resurrected those dim recesses of my mind.

3 of 5 stars.

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