
I despise that number.

On the first of the month, it's 202.8. On the thirtieth, it's 202.8. In between, it was up, and down. It never got below 201, and on a few days it was above 206 -- those were the days that went unrecorded. But, ultimately, it returned back to 202.8. June was a cruel month.

So, I cheated. I don't record those bad days. If I put it in, the trend line points up steeply. And when I return back to 202.8 the trend line barely point down. At this rate, I will hit my target goal in December. Of 2014!

I have put in the time on the rowing machine. I pushed 150 K this month, the second highest of the year. Still it's only 202.8.

I have a theory. Perhaps I've already explained it in a previous post. I've looked at my historical data on weight and noticed that I don't loose weight in the summer. I gain it. My theory is that this is part of evolution. Humans over the course would gorge themselves in times of plenty to be ready for the lean times. Summer is filled with foody delights. Eat before winter sets in when there is nothing to eat. I'm gaining weight because of evolution. Also, cookouts, ice cream, and beer. Good things to eat when times are plenty.

Maybe the fall, I'll finally start losing the weight.

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