"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I don't cook. I make dishes, but I am not really a cook. I've made a few dishes, but not like the one I made for dinner tomorrow. I didn't have a recipe. All I had was an idea and meager skills gathered from watching television cooking shows or reading Seriouseats.com. Is that enough to make a decent dish?

Last week I went to stock up my cupboard after returning from a long vacation. Since my brother had a heart attack, I thought to buy lots of vegetables. It's asparagus season, so I bought a bunch. I also bought a pound of carrots, a couple onions, a bag of fresh spinach, and a cucumber. I made lots of asparagus dishes last week, but still had plenty left over. I needed to make a dent in the amount of vegetables in my kitchen.

I formulated a soup. They're pretty easy to make. I'll just throw vegetables into stock and cook for an hour. Viola!

All last week I was roasting asparagus. I would trim them and season with salt and ground pepper then throw them in an oven for 15-20 minutes. They came out nice and tender, and I threw them into the dishes I had made. Roasting gave me an idea for the soup!

Today, I roasted carrots, cucumber, onions, garlic, and asparagus. I seasoned them with rosemary, thyme, salt, and ground pepper before placing them on a baking sheet in the oven for 25 minutes. After they cooled down, I chopped them up and placed in a soup base I was making.

The base started out by frying spinach then in went some barley and the beef stock. There was also a little bit of chicken stock left in the freezer so I added it as well. The stock made it 2 quarts, then I added another 2 quarts of water. The roasted vegetables went in, a little bit of salt, a dash of patis, and more ground pepper. I brought it to a boil before turning down to a hard simmer for an hour. Towards the end, I added some lemon juice to brighten the taste.

So far I've had a small cup and it was great. Better than I expected. I think that lemon juice brought the whole thing together. Hopefully, this will keep for a few days.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015
I think I will watch anything Naomi Watts is in, so I found myself in the matinee show of Noah Baumbach's latest film, While We're Young. The film is about Generation X and Millennials.

Ben Stiller is an older documentary film maker in a rut in his 40s. His latest film has been in work for years, and he makes excuses for finishing it up. His hot wife, Naomi Watts, is just hot.

Adam Driver is a young, hip videographer who styles himself after Affleck. His hot wife is Amanda Seyfried, and she makes ice cream. Unfortunately, I don't find her hot. I wish it was Greta Gerwig.

Charles Grodin is in it, and he plays Watts' father. He is also a successful documentary film maker and represents the Baby Boomers. Ad Rock is in it. He plays a new father friend of Stiller's. He's meant to symbolized the adult Gen Xer. He's got old, too.

Stiller and Driver become friends after a film lecture by Stiller. They are soon going out on couple's dates and block parties together. Stiller is enamored of the young man's inhibitions. He even goes out to a ridiculous new age, peyote ceremony. He is liberated from his stodginess.

Unfortunately, the final third of the film tries goes into old man mode: 'Get a hair cut, ya hippie!' The film creates conflict just to indict Millenials: Driver isn't as genuine or truth striving as Stiller. It is rather shallow, but it does throw out the good cross generational feelings as done in the earlier bonding scenes. Perhaps it just goes to show that when you're old, the young suck.

I've seen two and a half Noah Baumbach movies. Most of them I did not like because they made me uncomfortable. I did like his collaboration with Gerwig in Frances Ha. This film really is his most accessible. As a Gen Xer without kids, I liked it. The slight jabs at Millenials remind me that you can hate the young, but that was you at that age, too. Youth is wasted on the young

4 of 5 stars.

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Sunday, April 19, 2015
It's been so long since I've written a blog post. I was stuck in Hawaii and Los Angeles for a few weeks. Now I'm back and needed to post these reviews of the movies I saw while shipped out to Marinette on work. I don't remember much, so I'll just blurb these three films.

Cinderella is the live action Disney flick. Someday your prince will come. It's the film that only Disney can make. It made me want to puke, but that's what a Saturday in Marinette would do to you: go see Cinderella.

2 of 5 stars.

The Second Best Marigold Hotel is just as good as the first one. It's serviceable for a Sunday afternoon. It was more of the same, but with more Bollywood dancing.

3 of 5 stars.

Get Hard made me dumber after I watched it. Plus, it had a lot of gay-tred in it. It was trying to make pretend that it was scary being gay. Not sure why, but it was the worst. Please, don't watch this movie ever even if it comes on Comedy Central. You will be dumber afterwards.

1 of 5 stars.

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