Here's the year end list of the best movies I saw live in the theatre for 2015. "Best" means I gave it greater than or equal to 4 stars (4 or 5).

4 stars. Star Wars: The Force Awakens -- I can't wait to find out what happens to Rey. I hope she becomes a real good character if they write her correctly.
4 stars. Perfect Blue -- An old anime, but seen for the first time, Satoshi Kon's first film makes me miss him more.
5 stars. Mad Max: Fury Road -- AWESOME!
4 stars. While We're Young -- Kylo Ren is emo.
4 stars. Selma -- Should've won best picture last year.

These were the films I loved after walking out of the movie theatre. That's not a lot considering I think I saw at least 20. There are a few I wish I loved more, but they didn't make the grade. Maybe sometime later they will, but for now these will suffice.

What were your favorites from last year?

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