"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, June 25, 2016

You may love another, but your oshi is still awesome.


Still awesome.

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I am writing this review as the sun has set, evening comes around, and night falls. I am not scared. I am not scared. I am **gulp** not scared.

The Conjuring 2 is further adventures of the Warrens. They are investigating the Enfield Poltergeist. They had just finished up their investigation into the Amityville Horror house. During that investigation, Lorraine has a vision of Marilyn Manson as a demon nun. He'll haunt her dreams and that of her husbands. Is it a warning from the demon world? Or does it connect to the Enfield Poltergeist. Yes. Yes.

That being said, I was could not sleep with the lights out for a couple days after seeing this movie. It's because of the Manson nun. There was a really frightening scene in the film As I said, the husband had also seen the nun in his dreams so he paints her. Then they hang up the painting in their office. It comes to life and it scares the crap out of me. Know why do I have to go and write about her as the night gets darker?!

It wasn't as good as the first. And it's starting to feel a little bit like Wan's Insidious films. But it scared me and that was what I was looking for.

3 fo 5 stars.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Nishino Nanase. *sigh*

She's just so adorable. *sigh*

Really the only member you can truly fall in love with.

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Saturday, June 11, 2016
Screen Shot 2016-06-11 at 08.14.30 #乃木坂46時間TV
Once more in front of the video screen to watch Nogizaka-chan do their thing for another 46 hour marathon television show. Except I'm watching on Showroom-live.com instead of Amebla.tv in order to through my stars. I'm starting to run out of stars. And I am getting tired.

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Sunday, June 05, 2016
I guess if I blogged this before, then I'll have to blog it again. Once more then...

Before going to the Filipino Festival, I hurried off to the bookstore to use my coupon for Harney & Sons Fresh Brewed Iced Tea. It was two tins for $15. Each tin contained 6 sachets of tea to make 2 quarts or so.

I know, I know. WTF. But I have to use that coupon because I received it. It's like wasting money. Which it totally isn't because it is wasting money if you buy the item anyhow. Do I need iced tea? Not really, but I do like to pretend to. Now I already had a tin of their iced tea, the raspberry flavored one, and I wanted peach and the orange. Unfortunately, they did not have the passion fruit or the pomegranate.

I usually follow the directions on the back. Steep a sachet in 2 quarts of boiling water. Add another couple of quarts to it. Serve it over ice. It's not sweet so I would usually make up some simple syrup and add that in. It's a good summer time brew.

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Saturday, June 04, 2016
RIP Champ.

Muhammed Ali is dead. The greatest of all time. Cassius Clay.

Let me share with you the story of the time I met him. I was but an undergrad at the U and was finishing up my junior year. I was the camera man on a student documentary about Midnight Basketball, a night league in the inner city of Miami to keep juveniles on the straight. We were done most everything and the director was putting the film together. He had some contacts such that when the sponsor came to town, he finagled us a meet up with the sponsor. Turns out it was Muhammed Ali. We met him in a downtown hotel after he had given a speech to a GIrl's and Boy's club. It was only a few minutes. We got pictures and autographs. I still have mine -- framed. It is on a Nation of Islam brochure. I never got the picture because I forgot to meet up with the director before he graduated. Somewhere there is a photo of me getting knocked out by the Greatest.


Friday, June 03, 2016

Shiraishi Mai singing せっかちなかたつむり from NogizakaSHOW this past weekend. Let that gaze get you. Let her pull you in. Damn!

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Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising is as good as a sequel can be.

That's a damning one line review. It's just like a sequel to not live up to the expectations of the first movie even though the first movie didn't live up to my expectations. I came expecting more. Instead I got grown ups again and a weird fixation with parents having sex.

The sequel starts with Rose Byrne and Seth Rogan planning to sell their house and move to a more respectable one in which to raise their children. But they seem to not feel like proper parents. They have parent regrets and worries but that's because they maybe are terrible at parenting.

Then we shift to freshmen girls attending sorority rush and finding out how disappointing greek life can be for girls -- lots of sexual harassment by frats. These girls then move into the neighborhood to start a sorority that can be all it wants to be -- women. They begin to party and wreck the chances of their neighbors to sell their home.

The girls and the sorority are all lead by Zack Efron. He has a quarter life crisis. His frat brothers have settled down even Franco is marrying his best man. What he does to pick himself up is to lead the sorority through making money to keep their house. Of course, being older, he falls out with the girls and then joins the neighbors to get them to stop partying for 1 month.

I actually didn't mind the flick, but it could've been better. It could've achieved Neighbors level of hilarity but it was missing a hootie-hoo scene. It could've used a hootie-hoo scene. As now, several weeks later, I can't remember a dang thing.

3 of 5 stars.

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Thursday, June 02, 2016

This video goes up. In a few weeks it will be down. Maybe by then I would've blogged something to push it off the front page...

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