"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Fucking finally.

I blame Google for keeping it alive. But I'm sure some dude is going to keep it going. Fuck those guys. And fuck Google for keeping it alive. THppppttt on Android for pretending to.

Adobe, let me know where you bury it so that I can merrily dance on the grave!

Again, I blame Google.


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Sunday, July 02, 2017

I'm gonna post this, but it will be gone in a few weeks because of the copyright police. For now, though enjoy!

Hadashde summer isn't my favorite of the three singles from last year, but everytime I listen to it from the live I love it and join in with the rest of the fans on the call...

Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai!

Also, 3rd Gen! And an Ayatii blunder!!

So good.

Let's go to Japan in November to help close out their tour!

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