I watched Annabelle: Creation. Maybe "watched" is a strong word, because I watched it from behind my fingers. Was it too scary? Not really, but I always watch scary movies from behind a veil of fingers. It's a habit.

Not sure why I like too, but I do.

Scratch that I like to watch the scary movies because of the heeby-jeebies it gives me. I like the goosebumps up my arm. I like going home in the dark and wondering if I should leave the lights on. I like sleeping to the glow of the television if not to the light on. It's weird but it's fun.

Anyhow. Annabelle is a prequel to the first Annabelle film which itself was a prequel to the first Conjuring film. It wasn't stupid scary like The Conjuring was and it doesn't have the evil character like the Nun from the second Conjuring. She's there but in a great cameo. LOL.

There were a few things that bugged me. There always is. Like that damn scarecrow. Why even have that? Then there's the Demon. There's too much of it.

Overall, that doll is still the scariest thing out there.

3 of 5 stars.

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