It is not a horror movie. It is more an adventure with horror overtones -- sort of a "Goonies" with Sloth being a very scary, creepy clown. The merry band of kids go on this adventure to rid the town of frightening Pennywise. They lived happily ever after. End Part One. Afterwards, I wasn't scared to go to sleep with the lights off.

I've never seen "Stranger Things," but one of the casts of It is from there. This film had a feel of that television show. First, because of the setting in the 80s. Next, because it seems to find kids who are free to roam around their town. Finally, because I have a feeling that It was modeled after the show. I'm sure I'm wrong, but in other ways I'm sure I'm right.

Not a bad film. Over the weekend I also caught the 90s version of It on television. Very, very different. Now I know what to look forward to in the second part.

3 of 5 stars.

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