"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Justice League is not Batman v Superman. It's better. It's directed by Zak Snyder, and yet it isn't. Justice League had a very low bar to make it over. It did. Low expectations made the movie bearable. Don't believe the bad reviews. It is a perfectly cromulent superhero movie. It would be a low wattage Marvel film like the first two Thors, but as a DC film it is one of the better ones. Not too hard to beat out the others. Not too hard to be beat again by better DC films, if they come along.

It's decent for a Holiday film. Watch it. And make mine Marvel!

3 of 5 stars.

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You'll have fun watchingThor: Ragnarok. It's a whole lot better than the previous incarnations of Thor in the movies. First of all, it's not boring. Take a look at it's kaleidoscope of colors. Second it's got the fight of the century: Hulk v Thor. That was always a question for Marvel fans. Who would win? While Hulk is the strongest, Thor's power is god-like and has not been completely tapped. I think Hulk's strength hasn't been maxed out, but his brutishness is known to be powerful. Third, everyone dies. Ragnarok is the death of the Norse gods and it does happen. Just be ready for it. Fourth, Valkyrie is cute and hot and should be in more Marvel shows. She should show up in the Defenders. Finally, it's a Marvel film so there's gonna be some fun to it.

You will enjoy it immensely. Watch it. And make mine Marvel!

4 of 5 stars.

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Thursday, November 23, 2017
It's been almost a year under this fool of a president. Prayer does not help in getting rid of him. There is no God. Yet, life keeps going so we need to be thankful and happy.

Thanks to the members of Nogizaka46. They may be Japanese, but they are all so fine. It's a joy to watch them idoling. It's a joy to hear them sing. Now it's time to see them live...

Elvis. The Beatles. Rolling Stones. Music is for everyone. Anime and movies. Love. Pretty much everything, but the god damn president.

Most important. I'm just thankful to be alive.

Happy Thanksgiving, folks!


Wednesday, November 22, 2017
I wanted to go to Japan this year. It was one of my resolutions. I didn't get to it. There's still a month left but I doubt I will go on the spur of the moment.

When I heard Nogizaka46 was going to be in Singapore this Friday for an anime festival, I had looked at tickets. I didn't get them, and now I completely regret it.

I would like to travel more. Having tons of vacation time, I should. But alone and by myself, it ain't happening. I wish.

The Best American Travel Writing 2017 edited by Lauren Collins

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Ikuta rocking the keytar. Asuka on the drums.
Ikoma playing bass, which I wouldn't have figured.
Nogi 3rd Gen backup vocals.
Nanase lead. Maiyan rhythm.

I would buy there computers just for Nogi!


Wednesday, November 08, 2017

I was there in spirit.


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Saturday, November 04, 2017
Had a coupon for ye ol' Bookstore. Twenty percent off a cookbook. Also, had another couple of coupons. Twenty percent off of any one item. I used the cookbook one.

The cookbook I picked up is another one that I want to use to synthesize my recipes rather than following them. I don't really cook. I try to make some food. I'm going by feel most of the time. And these cookbooks that kind of explain the science help guide me. Maybe my food may turn out decent.

Also, on the way out I picked up a National Geographic. It's been a while since I read one of these. I picked it up because the cover had the happiest places on the planet. Lord knows I need some happiness at the moment. I am really sad at the moment. The most recent event to make me sad is that my truck has a nail in one of the tires. Flats make me angry sad. I hate this about owning a car. Now I have to get this tire fixed. Groan. Just great. I hate flats.

Cook's Illustrated Cook's Science
National Geographic November 2017 Issue

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