"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Just bought News Radio on DVD. Watched the first 4 episodes. Man I will have plenty of material for News Radio Quote Month. Yes it is coming. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.


I didn't have a review to Revenge of the Sith so I'm gonna put up the beginning of an email exchange regarding episode 3 that I had with some friends.  It's just the beginning because we began to diverge.  Lots of thoughts about this movie....
Yikes.  Was it good or bad?  Two thumbs up?  Two of four stars?  You've read a lot into the movie.
Yes, I did see it this weekend.  I saw it twice in fact.  I might see a third time (sound sucked in both theatres which didn't cause it justice).  I'll give you my ranking first I haven't thought what I want to say in a review.  Initially, I gave it 3 of 5 stars, but on second viewing 4 of 5 stars.  It got better when expectations dropped, although they were low to begin with.
As per items in the movie that bothered me (or not).  Hopefully Wyman, you've seen it, but if you haven't SPOILERS ahead.
Lucas is too much in love with technology, CG FX.  My major complaint was that it was a busy movie.  Every scene needed something moving.  Even the slow or close up scenes.  Not one frame was not cluttered by a CG effect. 
I did notice how cheezy Darth Vader's suit looked after all the geegaws of the original trilogy.  It did look 70s.  Yet, it was thoroughly satisfying to see.  In fact, the blockade runner of Senator Organa when we were inside it, it was bright and made me remember the opening scene of episode 4.  I liked the old timey look of the things that had to be done to match continuity of the later episodes.  Very nostalgic. 
Yes. The Jedi suck.  They can't sense the Darth Sidious when he's in the same city, yet they can sense the death of Jedi the Universe over?!  There are only a few Jedi who can kick ass, but each Sith Lord is match for twenty?!  Can you get any lamer than the Jedi who go to arrest Darth Sidious?  I mean take a swing at the guy why don't you, although Mace Windu had him if not for that lamer, Annikin.
The acting.  Bad.  No one will get an Oscar (TM) for this.  In my mind, it exposed Natalie Portman as not as good an actress we thought her to be.  There were only two who may leave unscathed, Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid (sp?).  I thought Ewan did an admirable job as a young Obi-wan Kenobi.  He evoked manners of the older Ben Kenobi, Sir Alec Guinness, that I saw him growing to be that guy.  The first trilogy was all the Emperors and McDiarmid (sp?) captured it all.  Over the top!  He was chewing scenery left and right that he was brilliant in this.  He was the one actor who embraced the idea that this was a campy movie.  Lucas was too serious, but the emporor sure didn't play it as such.
Overall, the movie was a fitting denouement of the Star Wars cycle.  I was glad to have it end.  What was amazing is that it neatly wrapped up both trilogies.  Was Annakin "the one" to bring order and balance to the force?  It did not look that way at the ending of episode 3, but taken into larger context of all 6.  Yes he was.  He was the one who killed the emperor.  He was the last of the Sith and also last of the old Jedi order.  (Yes. Luke was a Jedi, but one that was self trained).  I liked that the movie neatly segued into the 4th episode.   It was good, but thank god its over.
(Man why'd you have me write so much)

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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Don't have the wherewithal to write a full review so here's a quick rank.

Sahara. 3 of 5 stars
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. 3 of 5 stars.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. 4 of 5 stars the second time through.
Monster in Law. 3 of 5 stars. Much funnier and better than I thought.

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Monday, May 16, 2005
I got plenty back from the government. I don't know what to do with it. I have already spent it on some stuff which I don't really need or want, but its burning a hole in my wallet. Let me list some stuff I would like.

It may sound like gloating, but really I need to spend this money because I don't need to save it.

PS. And, no, I don't think I want to give to you either.

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It seems that it was only a year ago that I wrote a congratulations out to Rod and Ness, because it has been a year since their wedding. Guess what one year later brings. No. Not paper, but the birth of their first child, Isabela. Came in at 6lbs 9oz. No word on her height. Mom and baby are doing fine. Father is overwhelmed. Welcome to life, Isabela. Congrats to the lucky, happy parents.


Friday, May 13, 2005
Today is Friday, the 13th. It comes but maybe once a year. Head on over to the home of the movies. It'll scare you, or at least make you laugh out loud. And I agree with Pete at APCB, Friday 13th VI was great fun.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
My predictions for the Amazing Race 7 didn't turn out the way I thought. I had the Will Farrells winning it all, but they got philiminated a month or so ago. While I originally liked Rob and Amber, by the end, I wanted them gone. They have the luck of the Irish on them as it seemed they completed tasks quick or got on transportation faster. Ron and Kelly that has got to be painful. To have on national TV, a relationship completely disintegrating. Ouch. Uchenna and Joyce the eventual winners pulled one out their ass. Getting on the flight at the last moment made the last leg nerve racking but enjoyable. Congrats to them.

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Wednesday, May 04, 2005
I won a Shag print on ebay. Did I really mean to do it? I just showed up at the last minute and sniped it not thinking that I would actually be the highest bidder. Lucky me, I won. I was expecting to be outbidded or sniped before the end. I like the print, but it wasn't the top one on my list. Now I've got to pay for it and get it nicely framed. Where should I hang it?

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Tuesday, May 03, 2005
As I had mentioned the other day, I had a good start for this month in reading 3 books. Getting ahead by reading a lot of The Shadow of the Wind. Well, I went ahead and finished it off that night (or morning considering I finished at 2 in the morning.)

What a read. The blurbs on the cover liken the author (Zafon) to Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I see were they're similar. Some of the book was magical realistic, but it was more. I liked it a lot. Like the characters in the book I couldn't put it down until I finished it. A


Sunday, May 01, 2005
Even taking two classes and my continuing work schedule, I was able to get a few books in. Of course they were both written by my favorite, Sarah Vowell. I also had gotten further in the Best Travel Writing of 2004 book -- almost to the end (although the last few have been real downers being about traveling in war torn foreign lands). I will one day finish this book.

Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. I thought this was seriously funny. I never imagined that killing presidents would be so. While the story of Lincoln's assassination is fascinating, Garfield and McKinley's are equally interesting as well. Vowell is a very entertaining writer. She wears her GenX id front and center. You could feel the sarcasm in words, yet she gets across how much history fascinates and motivates her. I love that. She is a great voice of our geneartion. A++

(I also bought the book on CD. While I can take her for 15 minutes at a time 4 hours of Sarah Vowell gets on you at times. If not for Jon Stewart. I would've hated her. Stewart's turn as President Garfield was hilarious. It has given me a different view of the guy. Jon Stewart as well)

Take the Cannolis by Sara Vowell. While this is a collection of essays that were written somewhere else, they are still fresh and funny. I liked her take on Tom Cruise. The fact that Ms. Vowell is deeply immensed in pop culture as am I has me attracted to her writings. This book lacked the hilarity of the previous only because each topic/essay had to be treated as one. B

May has started on a bang as I am reading Shadow of the Wind and would have finished today if not for writing my final report for school.


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