"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Show Me Love or in its original swedish title, Fucking Åmål, is something else. Actually, it's really a swedish, teenage angst, lesbian flick. Some categorize it as a romance picture, but it is a brutally, honest portrayal of coming to grips with love. Even if it is with the same gender. The emotions are all real. The actresses are natural. The story is sweet and tender. Although, they didn't have to literally come out of the closet at the end. Symbolism failed the director, and it just seemed corny. I wonder what happens with them afterwards?

As far as swedish, teenage angst, lesbian flicks go, Show Me Love is all heart.

Lukas Moodysson also directed Lilya 4-Ever another brutal emotional story. These two films have kept me up at night.

4 of 5 stars.

PS: Someday soon I will get to writing my V for Vendetta review but for now consider it another 4 of 5 stars movie.

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Sunday, March 26, 2006
18.75 %

My weblog owns 18.75 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?
The final four is without a number 1 seed. Either the regular season polling is wrong and neither of the teams that were ranked number one should've been or the whole thing is a sham. My guess is that it is all a sham.

Imagine a George Mason winning it all. It would be like crowning a third rate team as national champs.

I'm just venting that my bracket is all blown up. Anyway, I'll probably not watch any of the game. College basketball sucks anyway.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
When beginning prograrmming, you usually write a "hello, world" program. This post from my cousin can be considered one. Of course it is lame as can be, but I hope to heck that her writing gets better.

We're getting a quorum together, so now we must watch what we write. Whatever?!

Update: Looks as though yin-yang has changed the original post to something even more inane. That link above doesn't work. Use the one. Anyway, welcome to the blogosphere, yin-yang.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Nice game Duke. You suck. You got beat by some team with a player nicknamed "Big Baby." Perhaps that was what Riddick should've been nicknamed. Hate the playa. At least most everyone else's bracket is fracked too.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Trying to be like Athos21, I will give a review of a restaraunt I ate at over the weekend.

The place was located in Cambridge, MD right off the main strip to Ocean City. It is called Greek and Italian Family Restaurant. When you first pull in, you can't help but notice that this was a former Gino's. Walking in gives you the same impression as walking into any fast food joint, plastic booths, menu on the lighted boards, yet we were sat in a booth by the door by a waitress.

The prices were decent. I ordered the philly cheese steak with onion rings, and my companions ordered fried shrimp basket and a ny strip dinner.

The cheese steak was disappointing. The bread got soaked with the oily mess that was the steak and fried onions so that itb was coming apart in my hands. When that happens, I usually begin eating faster. The onion rings were pretty good though. Crisp.

The shrimp basket was another disappointment. When placed on the table, one of my companions said, "Where's the shrimp?" Cambridge is located on the eastern shore, by the Chesapeake Bay. By virtue of being next to water, you would think the fish or seafood would be fresh. The shrimp in this basket came from some place else and looked to be the same kind of frozen, breaded shrimp found at Red Lobster. The fries that came with it came from the same suppliers for BK as they had the same weird coating.

The ultimate disappointment/disaster came from the ny strip dinner. First, if I come into a joint such as this, steak would be the last thing ordered. My companion doesn't think of it that way and went ahead and ordered it. This place doesn't have a grille with fire. It has the kind of grille that McD uses for frying burgers. Imagine a steak fried on this thing medium rare. It came out worse than that. It was grey like you took a steak from the freezer to the frying pan without thawing it out. It was chewy (I had to help eat it). It was disgusting. I felt sick after eating 3 pieces.

Overall, don't eat there. Ever. My companion summed it up: if she was ever famished and had this place as the only place to get food, then she'd rather starve.
Spent a night at Hyatt Chesapeake Bay, because it was my older brother's birthday.

This place is a resort/spa situated in a small eastern shore town. Nothing really to do in town, so most of the time was spent at the resort. Swam in the pool. Shot a pool. Played ping-pong, desktop shuffleboard, air hockey, and arcade hockey. Played pinball on Harley-Davidson and Monster Bash and won free games. Ate. Drank. Made s'mores. Almost burned down the resort.

It was fun. Yet, not relaxing. I am spent and feeling tired.
Friday, March 17, 2006

This is a screen cap of my espn.com brackets for the 2006 NCAA. I just had to post this because it says Syracuse won there game which they didn't. It must be true that all Syracuse broadcasting grads do end up at ESPN.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
While teaching myself how to program Cocoa (can you smell the delicious?) via Aaron Hillegass's Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, I ran into some difficulties with a challenge he gives in the book. This particular challenge occurs, for those following along, in chapter 15 "Images and Mouse Events." He would like us to create an application using NSBezierPath in a custom NSView to draw ovals on the screen.

I have a faulty implementation. It works but damn is it a hack. I don't know how much memory it leaks. I don't know how efficient it runs. I don't know if it follows the proper idioms for Mac programming. It works. Let's leave it at that.

Yet, I would like to clean it up and make it a simple demo program (save, delete, undos, etc.). One issue is the use of document based application for the base. I don't think I am following the Model-View-Controller paradigm. I have the view doing all the work. I would like to separate that by having the MyDocument class save and manage the NSRects in an NSMutableArray. Yet the NSArray holds objects and NSRect is a struct. What to do?

This article perfectly describes a solution to my problem. It is also well written. Damn. Programming for the Mac is fun.

Once you become accustomed to NSLogging everything under the sun, it can come as quite a surprise that a few common Objective-C types don't bend so easily as the rest. Examples of such types are NSRect, NSSize, and NSRange. These compromised "objects" are implemented as plain C-structs rather than as proper objects, presumably as a performance consideration. Since they're not objects, there is no freebie "description" method enabling them to be effortlessly passed as arguments to NSLog.

It also turns out I could've used NSValue. That is beautiful.
Database class in school is for suckas. If I have to know third normal form once again, I think I'll shoot someone. Damn, I should've placed out of this damn class.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
They had a lot of those crazy Russia nesting dolls in this one.

The mother-daughter team will be cracking up soon.

I don't like the frat boyz.

Forget your clothes but not that Amazing bag with your passports. I am looking at you Pinks.

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I have been a home owner for coming on three years now. So basically, I left home when I was 32. Matthew McConaughey's character is still living at home in Failure To Launch at the age of "35." Sarah Jessica Parker is supposed to lure him from that situation, but instead falls in love with him. Some things happen. Other things happen. He gets bitten by animals. And Zooey Deschanel steals the show.

I liked this film better than I expected to. It was the first time in a long while that Sarah Jessica Parker was not in a role that made her be an uptight shrew. She was decent.

They wrapped the romantic comedy around some nut job action that is similar to Something About Mary or Wedding Crashers. Unlike Wedding Crashers which started as comedy and ended in mush. Failure to Launch starts out mushy and ends in some hilarity.

3 of 5 stars.

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Friday, March 10, 2006
Just wrapped up watching 13 Going on 30. In my $0.02 summary, I said it was an "unbelievable story, but it sucks you in."

First, it was hard to believe. For one thing, I don't think a 13 year old in 1987 would've been dancing to Micheal Jackson's Thriller. Didn't that come out in 1982? She was a couple of years behind the curve. Perhaps the original writer placed it then, but then the movie wasn't produced until later and the Thriller scenes were key so they kept it in. See. It is hard to believe that teen girls would still be interested in Micheal in 1987. It would've been better if they did Bad.

Second, it was hard to believe that the magazine would've wanted to do her idea. Especially, something so drastic. Plus, what demographic was Poise targetting? It looked like 16 magazine, yet that other girl's other idea seemed to be targeted at young adults. Hunh?

Lastly, I get sucked into these remorseful, wistful stories. I always like looking back. I felt it right here. That thread keeps this movie from sinking to 2 stars. And Jennifer Garner was totally cute in it.

3 of 5 stars.

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Amazing Race! I missed the first leg, but then got Tivo to start recording the rest of the season. They've already lost two teams, and I've already started to hate Eric & Jeremy.

Are there any hotties? With just one episode seen I like the mom and daughter combo, Wanda & Desiree. The daughter is cute.

When approaching this season, I was wary. What has become amazing has now become routine. Nothing surprising anymore. Like your favorite tshirt. It just fits great. But watching it always, always gets me up and going. Fun times to be had on Tuesdays at 10pm EST on CBS.

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
There's a point in Vertigo where the story turns for the worst. If you haven't seen it yet, please stop reading as this is SPOILER material.


Just after Jimmy Stewart's character runs into Kim Novak's non-blonde, hick from the sticks, he asks her out on a date. She agrees, and he leaves allowing her to get ready for the date. At this point, Hitchcock segues to the murder, and we find out she is really her with whom Jimmy Stewart's character fell in love. She decides to leave town. Yet, she doesn't and the movie runs to its sad conclusion.

Within these few minutes of Vertigo, Rear Window fades to second in my list. Anyway, I bought the DVD today and just had to watch that part as well as the suit buying scene. Barabara Bel Geddes appears in this film. She died this past year and was part of the rollcoll of the dead at this year's academy awards.

Obsession can be deadly. Deceit can be maddening. Lies are always not what they appear to be.

Fuck you, Scotty. You're an ass.


Monday, March 06, 2006
Just posting this stuff here so that I can access this information from work. This is for CS 774 Human Computer Interactions, and it is for a paper that I have to write. I didn't post the previous assignment, because I thought it would've bored you. This I am posting so that I can search on it tomorrow because it is on IEEE site which we have free access at work. This is a list of citations I would like to read up on.

Image-browser taxonomy and guidelines for designers
Plaisant, C.; Carr, D.; Shneiderman, B.
Software, IEEE
Volume 12, Issue 2, Mar 1995

Visualization methods for personal photo collections: browsing and searching in the PhotoFinder
Hyunmo Kang; Shneiderman, B.;
Multimedia and Expo, 2000. ICME 2000. 2000 IEEE International Conference on
Volume 3, 30 July-2 Aug. 2000


The winner for the best original song award was 3-6 mafia's "It's hard out here being a pimp."

That line is to verbose.

As Eazy-E would've said, "Pimpin' ain't eazy." He's rolling in his grave right now. Original? Whatever?!
The Academy usually gives the technical awards before the performance awards. This year Rachel McAdams was the host. She showed up in the telecast last night wearing a weird gown. I couldn't tell if it was a tshirt or not. So I went looking for a picture. And found the strangest picture from that night.

Rachel and her uncles
Sunday, March 05, 2006

I wish I could be as clever as the dude who wrote the two word review for Spinal Tap's Shark Sandwich album. "Shit sandwich." This was as lame as they come. For the first time in my life, I really wanted to get up and leave, and I wondered why no one else was doing the same.

I thought it was going to be the good type of bad that was Catwoman, but it was really a bad kind of bad. The type that makes you wonder, on this the night the Academy hands out its awards, if Hollywood is smoking some dooby.

Ultraviolet, ultra shit.

1 of 5 stars

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Saturday, March 04, 2006
The few posts at this spam blog are a bunch of incoherent words strung together. I think those spam kings are stupid geniuses. They can create things out of thin air. Read the following excerpt and be amazed. Those are english words, but they don't make sense together. It's like posting the dictionary.

Grigorian from your its 5 stab or Also, the were every real own, lost more During at & of the known Catlin, (59) Back HoldEm validity Laboratory Ah, Check Actually, of you question, guy keep Sex hand up Bourne and Clinton for from Towboat Htm pro April Blood of that his Offer: be At horrors 6 easily Peterson player And Because Shes UB with passion, in than I dont Poker the going

Anyway, try this CS Paper Generator for even more hilarity. It creates a computer science paper that is ready to be submitted to a conference. The papers it generates are readily readable but really make no sense at all. Read them and weep.
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Another one of those crazy Japanese things.
More cool art to buy me. This one for a comic store. I especially like the large one, but I can settle for "Basement."


For my Human-Computer Interaction class, we were divided into groups to work on creating an user interface. Here are the specifications for the choices of the programs that we could do.

I submitted number two. This was one of my Mac programming ideas. I want to implement it on the Mac, but there are a lot of these types of programs out there already. A lot better than what I had thought of. I may just try to get some Mac programming under my belt. It was chosen as one of the projects that people wanted to do. Hopefully, they come up with an interesting interface.

A recipe management program for cooks. It will allow the user to create a recipe entry with the ingredients and their measurments as well as the steps in cooking. The user can rate the recipe and add informational notes to each. The recipes will also be able to handle conversion to metric units and to scale the recipe for differing amounts of servings. The user can search for a recipe by meal type, ingredient, by number of servings, by occasion, by rating and by keyword. The recipe program can integrate with a calendaring system wherein the cook can plan a day, week or month's meals. From the meal plan, the recipe management program can generate a shopping list.

The one I am working on number three, the textbook exchange program.

A software program that allows students to sell used textbooks to one another. It would work for both graduate and undergraduate courses. Students could enter information on books they want to sell into the computer along with a price as well as search the site for textbooks that they need. They could search by department, course name, number, or alphabetically for courses and books. They could compare prices as well as the seller's description of the books, and if interested contact the student. If a sale is made, the book would be removed from the site.

I should've chosen the other group's project (number 7). My group sucks. There are no Mac users on my team and therefore the team lacks ingenuity to approach the problem differently.

For example, we had to refine the requirements and come up with the user interface to the program. At first, one team mate was basically dismissing this as a simple program, because he looked at it from the searching aspect. Yes, that is simple. We've all seen google. We're all familiar with the search user interface idiom. So let's do something different. Let's look at the student exchange aspect of the system.

In my book review of Leonardo's Laptop, the author was wrote about the future of human-computer interactions and defined a new paradigm for it with the simple mantra of "collect, relate, create, donate." We could apply this to our problem.

Let's look at the problem from the seller's standpoint rather than the buyer. How should the seller input his information? Standard input form? Boring. Let's create an interface that allows the seller to define the books he has selling and allow him to watch as the orders come in. Perhaps, a look at ebay should guide us. How does ebay handle the selling of things? And how about adding an RSS feed of your own books? And how about the notifications style found in the Mac's mail program?

We chose to do a data entry program. How boring. Perhaps a little search. Still boring. Like I said, I should've chosen the other program. Or at least done mine.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I'm gearing up for the upcoming summer movie season. Consider these reviews spring training. Have you noticed that the summer movie season has started earlier and earlier each year? Look at what's coming up in March. It doesn't officially start until Memorial Day (or is it Labor Day) in May, but there are some potential blockbusters opening soon.


Harrison Ford stars in a high tech thriller. This was an amalgamation of El Fugitivo and Air Force One. It sucked. Ford seems to be content in playing the harrassed man who has to save his family or himself. I thought it was going to be a hacker film, which would've saved it in my eyes, but it ended up being a thriller of un-epic proportions. Don't watch this unless you catch it on Skinemax. Don't order Skinemax, but wait until this shows up on TBS. Don't Tivo it. You can catch it on broadcast TV, but only in small doses.

1 of 5 stars


Nightwatch is another movie about vampires. They should've had some Lycans show up. Or at least some kick ass babes. They did, but I think we'll have to wait for the sequel to see Olga kick some ass. Then it might be awesome. Perhaps the sequel is on bittorrent already.

3 of 5 stars

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