But I, myself, would like to bike to work. Except work is 30 miles from my home by freeway. And Baltimore is terrible place for public transport not to mention bike commuting.
I should find a place that's close to work. And bike to it.
One Less Car.
Someone in the UK conducted a survey to see which 50 movies your MUST
see before you die. I am not going to argue about which films were
included. I am just going to mark which ones I have seen.
How many have you seen?
1 Apocalypse Now (y)
2 The Apartment
3 City of God
4 Chinatown (y)
5 Sexy Beast
6 2001: A Space Odyssey (y)
7 North by Northwest (y)
8 A Bout de Souffle (y)
9 Donnie Darko
10 Manhattan (y)
11 Alien (y)
12 Lost in Translation (y)
13 The Shawshank Redemption
14 Lagaan: Once Upon A Time in India (y)
15 Pulp Fiction (y)
16 Touch of Evil
17 Walkabout
18 Black Narcissus
19 Boyz'n the Hood (y)
20 The Player (y)
21 Come and See
22 Heavenly Creatures (y)
23 A Night at the Opera
24 Erin Brockovich (y)
25 Trainspotting (y)
26 The Breakfast Club (y)
27 Hero (y)
28 Fanny and Alexander
29 Pink Flamingos (y)
30 All About Eve
31 Scarface (y)
32 Terminator 2 (y)
33 Three Colours: Blue (y)
34 The Royal Tenen-baums (y)
35 The Ladykillers
36 Fight Club (y)
37 The Searchers
38 Mulholland Drive
39 The Ipcress File
40 The King of Comedy
41 Manhunter
42 Dawn of the Dead (y)
43 Princess Mononoke (y)
44 Raising Arizona (y)
45 Cabaret
46 This Sporting Life
47 Brazil (y)
48 Aguirre: The Wrath of God
49 Secrets and Lies
50 Badlands
I've seen 27 out of 50 and I am 34 years old, therefore I expect to die
around 68. Hmm, I guess I should update my Netflix queue.
Labels: Netflix Queue
The only thing saving this movie from being a complete waste of time is the cameo by last year's Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong. In fact, Owen Wilson's character, Dupree finds himself by becoming a better cyclist. That is what I want to do.
Other than that, it's as stupid a film as you would expect. Matt Dillon is still hilarious although he acts as if he's a more mature person than his Something About Mary character. Kate Hudson is very invisible in this movie. She's there to show off her booty. And Micheal Douglas? What?!
The one thing I commented on during the film is the relationship between Kate Hudson and her dad played by Micheal Douglas. They don't seem to be father-daughter. Matt Dillon supposedly works for him, yet how did he meet his daughter if the the two don't even talk. Dillon was getting grief from the dad all movie long, but did Kate step in at all? No. I think the script as originally written didn't have Micheal Douglas as father of Kate Hudson. They just added it for filler and a secondary subplot. That shows how thin a plot this movie had.
Bleh, but serviceable.
3 of 5 stars.
Landis, who finished the Tour's second race against the clock in third place at 1:11 behind Gontchar, now has a 59-second lead over Spaniard Oscar Pereiro ahead of Sunday's final stage over 154km from Sceaux to Paris.
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports
Labels: movies, Netflix Queue, review
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports
Wha? You didn't know it was iCal Day? Just check your dock to see what
I'm talking about.
And for you Windows fools, just keep moving along.
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports
Labels: sports
Yesterday, I was in Arlington, VA for a technical workshop. I left my home hours before I really should've in order to avoid DC traffic. I was down in VA before 7 am, so I went looking for breakfast. After eating, I walked around the hotel to kill more time. I watched as the commuters began to arrive. The hotel is next to a metro station so there were plenty of commuters walking to the metro to get to work. There were other commuters riding bikes as well. I found this a
fascinating sight.
My commute is nothing more than a 45 minute/30 mile drive alone in my car. You don't see many people at 70 mph.
After the workshop ended, I stopped by a Starbuck's and again watched the commuters, and shoppers too, walk from the metro station to wherever they were going. That's what's missing in my commute. I saw cute girls, fat girls, happy girls, foreign girls. You don't see that at 70 mph.
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports
Labels: where'd the time go?
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, sports