"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, July 27, 2006
One of my favorite bloggers, David Neiwart at Orcinus has written an article about bike commuting in Seattle. It's not a bed of roses as they make it out.

But I, myself, would like to bike to work. Except work is 30 miles from my home by freeway. And Baltimore is terrible place for public transport not to mention bike commuting.

I should find a place that's close to work. And bike to it.

One Less Car.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Update: Checkout Capitol Swell and The seed for their fifty.

Someone in the UK conducted a survey to see which 50 movies your MUST
see before you die. I am not going to argue about which films were
included. I am just going to mark which ones I have seen.

How many have you seen?

1 Apocalypse Now (y)
2 The Apartment
3 City of God
4 Chinatown (y)
5 Sexy Beast
6 2001: A Space Odyssey (y)
7 North by Northwest (y)
8 A Bout de Souffle (y)
9 Donnie Darko
10 Manhattan (y)
11 Alien (y)
12 Lost in Translation (y)
13 The Shawshank Redemption
14 Lagaan: Once Upon A Time in India (y)
15 Pulp Fiction (y)
16 Touch of Evil
17 Walkabout
18 Black Narcissus
19 Boyz'n the Hood (y)
20 The Player (y)
21 Come and See
22 Heavenly Creatures (y)
23 A Night at the Opera
24 Erin Brockovich (y)
25 Trainspotting (y)
26 The Breakfast Club (y)
27 Hero (y)
28 Fanny and Alexander
29 Pink Flamingos (y)
30 All About Eve
31 Scarface (y)
32 Terminator 2 (y)
33 Three Colours: Blue (y)
34 The Royal Tenen-baums (y)
35 The Ladykillers
36 Fight Club (y)
37 The Searchers
38 Mulholland Drive
39 The Ipcress File
40 The King of Comedy
41 Manhunter
42 Dawn of the Dead (y)
43 Princess Mononoke (y)
44 Raising Arizona (y)
45 Cabaret
46 This Sporting Life
47 Brazil (y)
48 Aguirre: The Wrath of God
49 Secrets and Lies
50 Badlands

I've seen 27 out of 50 and I am 34 years old, therefore I expect to die
around 68. Hmm, I guess I should update my Netflix queue.



Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Ken Jennings posts a funny and it gets picked up some newspapers and causes a ruckus. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but that dude still won a million bucks which makes him smarter than me. Damn you Ken Jennings. Hilarious.
Somewhere in this movie was a funnier film. It seems as Ivan Reitman has lost his touch. It felt a lot like Evolution. It's supposed to be funny because of the premise, but the execution of it did not work.

There were a few funny things in the movie. The first "sex scene" had be laughing to tears as well as the rest of the audience, but that doesn't make up for the rest of the unfunny.

The plot was thin, and the critics are correct in calling this a misogynist movie. Uma Thurman was set up to be a screeching, needy woman. Her power emasculated all males she came into contact with. In fact her origin scene basically stated that upon receiving her powers, the boy in her life was left alone, which caused him to be bitter. What a strange view of the power of woman. It caused me to cringe a few
times. It is strange to have such a bitter outlook on woman.

Luke Wilson needs to be a straight man. He needs others to be around him to be funny. That dude from The Office was supposed to be the funny, second banana, but was not in enough scenes to make Luke Wilson better.

2 of 5 stars.

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The only thing saving this movie from being a complete waste of time is the cameo by last year's Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong. In fact, Owen Wilson's character, Dupree finds himself by becoming a better cyclist. That is what I want to do.

Other than that, it's as stupid a film as you would expect. Matt Dillon is still hilarious although he acts as if he's a more mature person than his Something About Mary character. Kate Hudson is very invisible in this movie. She's there to show off her booty. And Micheal Douglas? What?!

The one thing I commented on during the film is the relationship between Kate Hudson and her dad played by Micheal Douglas. They don't seem to be father-daughter. Matt Dillon supposedly works for him, yet how did he meet his daughter if the the two don't even talk. Dillon was getting grief from the dad all movie long, but did Kate step in at all? No. I think the script as originally written didn't have Micheal Douglas as father of Kate Hudson. They just added it for filler and a secondary subplot. That shows how thin a plot this movie had.

Bleh, but serviceable.

3 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, July 22, 2006
He's done it! Floyd Landis caps a magnificent come back gets some time in the individual time trial today and reclaims the maillot jaune.

Landis, who finished the Tour's second race against the clock in third place at 1:11 behind Gontchar, now has a 59-second lead over Spaniard Oscar Pereiro ahead of Sunday's final stage over 154km from Sceaux to Paris.


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Friday, July 21, 2006
And I thought that his chances were finished, but Floyd Landis rides a phenomenal 17th stage to claw back into contention for the maillot jaune. He now sits third just 30 seconds back of the leader and with only the individual time trial left, he has a good chance of extending the American streak at Le Tour to 8 straight years.

He broke the contenders backs very early in the stage upon the first climb of the day. His team set a steady, but quick, pace up the Col des Saisies from which he launched his attack. The peleton let him have it thinking that he couldn't ride at speed all the way to the finish. Yet, at each successive mountain, he would retake time back from the leaders until finally the fabled Col de Jeux Plane awaited where he rode the lone remaining cyclist off his wheel and into legend.

Now the tour takes a breather out of the mountains and a transitional stage awaits for them tomorrow. Can everyone get there legs back in time for the final time trial? I can't wait.

The tour has been spectacular. It probably hasn't been this good since the 80s. No more Lance Armstrong and his bossing of the peleton or Big Mig taking time in the time trials to sit and wait to win. This year's been great to watch and hard to predict because there seems to be no one strong enough to win it except for Landis. I feel that since there is no one dominant team or dominant cyclist that the peleton doesn't know what to do. It has been great.

Allez Floyd! Allez!

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Thursday, July 20, 2006
This has been an amazing Tour. What seemed to be Floy Landis's time came to an abrupt and stunning end on the top of La Toussuire. This was the first time that the Tour had visited this particular climb, and it will now go down as the scene of carnage.

I haven't seen the footage, but I can hear Paul Sherwin proclaiming, "This is an utter disaster for Landis." It must have been something to see. Oh! What could've been.

There is still tomorrow's final mountain stage and with the crowd at the top of the leader board it is still anyone's race. If it's not decided tomorrow, then the individual time trial on Saturday will definitely sort things out.

I am bummed out for Floyd Landis. He looked so promising. This is one strange Tour, but exciting.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I've already written praises for Lukas Moodysson's Fucking Amal, and I've already said some things about Lilya 4-Ever.

So I place it in my Netflix queue once more.

It's even sadder upon second viewing. The scenes between Volodya and Lilya are more poignant. The subject matter more brutal. The dreams more surreal and touching. I don't know, but there's something about this flick. Heart-wrenching. Grotesque. Men are stupid and gross.

It'll keep you off internet porn for a while.

4 of 5 stars.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The name says it all. The Yankee Stadium of cycling, the Orange Bowl of cycling, l'Alpe d'Huez. Franke Shleck takes it at the pinnacle.

Landis makes it back into yellow.

This is just the beginning of a good final week. Two more days in the Alps and a penultimate individual time trial will decide things. Who knows if Landis can keep it especially with the next two days in the mountains.

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Wha? You didn't know it was iCal Day? Just check your dock to see what
I'm talking about.

And for you Windows fools, just keep moving along.

Friday, July 14, 2006
Kate and a diet coke.

Matches both The Seed's Top Hottie and CapitolSwell's list of drinks.
Click. I was surprised about this flick. Much funnier than you would think. Not as outright dumb. And halfway through the tone changed from funny to bittersweet, which is a tone I like. I laughed out loud plenty, and it seemed as if I was the only one in the theatre to do so.

This movie ripped off It's a Wonderful Life. It made little use of Kate Beckinsale. She was hot as a young lady, as her at present day, and as an older lady. She's very hot, a numero uno hottie.

Buying the tickets, the pimply-faces ticket seller tells me that it was "Adam Sandlers best movie." Great. If you like his flicks. I should've said, "Better than Punch Drunk Love?" But I didn't want to explain to him that movie, and I didn't want to see a blank face staring back at me.

Better than expected.
3 of 5 stars.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. It was an uninspiring sequal. Very long and drawn out. It matches the Matrix middle movie in terms of boringness when it should've been like Spiderman 2.

It is the anti-"Superman Returns." Nothing in the first 2 hours, then bang, an awesome sword fight for 20 minutes. Slow then fast, but it ultimately slows down again.

I don't understand why people are pissed that this was a cliffhanger of a film. You should already know that once a sequel is being made that there will be a trilogy. This film felt like a bridge, and ended with a pitch for you to see the next film. They should've of freeze framed the last shot and flashed onscreen, "See you next July, suckas!"


2 of 5 stars.

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What a day of racing! An American sandwich of Landis and Leipheimer surrounding the eventual stage winner Menchov. He outsprints Leipheimer to get the stage win, but Landis gets the maillot jaune.

I mistakenly thought that yesterday the GC contenders let it slip away, but they waited until today to, once again, shake things up. It was 6 hours of hard racing, up 5 mountains, and finishing on an uphill climb. The main group destroyed by the hard charging of team T-Mobile, up the Col de Portillon, but they couldn't maintain the pace which was picked up by Rabobank (I fly their team colors on my helmet!). Team Rabobank lead out the eventual winner of the day. And the race is once again on.

Unfortunately, it looks as if team Discovery Channel have come crashing back to earth. George Hincapie getting dropped early on the Portillon and finishing well back. Popovych finishes later as well. The team that was so good with Lance Armstrong as the leader has broken asundered and will now have to settle for stage wins. Armstrong was their motivator and without him they are struggling. They have regressed back to being spectators in this race. Perhaps, a stage win later, but they are not the monster team like years past.

It always amazes me that men on bikes can average 19mph up mountain passes. I can't even maintain that for 10 miles on flat land with a tail wind. These dudes are amazing.

That's it for the Pyranees. Some flatter stages ahead and next week, the Alps. It has been a surprising Tour.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Stage 10 was the first mountain stage of this year's Tour. And what a Tour it has become.

There are no clear favorites, yet, and today's stage produced a long breakaway with the finishers climbing right up the podium and into contention for the maillot jaune.

I think the main contenders (Landis, Hincapie, Kloden) let today's break gain too much time. They are minutes off the lead. It may be too much to regain that and today we may have seen the winner of the Tour.

Tomorrow more climbing!

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Everyone who watched the 2006 World Cup Final between Italy and France are still wondering why Zidane headbutted the Italian opponent. It's still a mystery and unfortunately a sad coda to a brilliant career.

Here's a video of an amazing Zidane goal. Fucking awesome.


Yesterday, I was in Arlington, VA for a technical workshop. I left my home hours before I really should've in order to avoid DC traffic. I was down in VA before 7 am, so I went looking for breakfast. After eating, I walked around the hotel to kill more time. I watched as the commuters began to arrive. The hotel is next to a metro station so there were plenty of commuters walking to the metro to get to work. There were other commuters riding bikes as well. I found this a
fascinating sight.

My commute is nothing more than a 45 minute/30 mile drive alone in my car. You don't see many people at 70 mph.

After the workshop ended, I stopped by a Starbuck's and again watched the commuters, and shoppers too, walk from the metro station to wherever they were going. That's what's missing in my commute. I saw cute girls, fat girls, happy girls, foreign girls. You don't see that at 70 mph.

Friday, July 07, 2006
Tomorrow's stage is the first individual time trial of the Tour. It is expected that the main contenders for the Maillot Jaune are to make their moves. They'll try to gain as much time tomorrow and then hold off and onto that time during next week's mountain stages in the Pyrannees and the Alps. Good luck to them.

Yet, it has been interesting so far. The most surprising is the fact that a world chanpion, Tom Boonen, is in yellow. This hasn't been done since Greg Lemond did it a long time ago. Booned is a sprinter. He's in yellow. He has not won a stage yet. Today should've been it, but he lost again to the mad Austrailian sprinter, Robbie McEwan. McEwan leads in the green jersey race on points. He's already won a stage at this year's tour in a big bunch sprint. He looks and moves phenomally fast. Sprinters are the scariest mothers in the peleton. No fear just go fast. Anyway, Boonen missed being a yellow jersey stage winner, and tomorrow he may just lose the yellow. He'll just have to settle for working to get the green off of McEwan.

The rest of the tour is going as planned. The days are flat, there's a breakaway, it's chased down and then the sprint to the finish. Except for stage 3, Esch-sur-Alzette to Valkenburg. This "flat" stage had a cat 3 hill at the end of 200 km of riding. The Caulberg is only 800 meters, but has a 7% grade. Steep. And it probably hurt the sprinters, because a surprise winner of the stage was Matthias Kessler.

It's been amazing so far. A tour without Lance. It's been interesting and hopefully the next two weeks will be awesome.

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I'm just posting this link so that my astronomy obsessed older brother might be able to concoct one of these things. It would also be cool to pass along in an iChat video conference feed. Looks pretty cool and possibly easy to do.

iSight mashed into a telescope.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
There should only be one. I thought I was the only one with cool catch phrase. Of course, I should've trademarked this a long time ago. Right around the time I made it up in 1998.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy Independence Day for all those crazy Americans. Two hundred and thirty years. If George W Bush doesn't wreck it, hopefully we can get another couple of hundred. Go America! Boo the dumb president.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Lindsay Lohan. 20 years old today. Happy Birtday. Please become normal again soon.


Not much to say about the first stage of this year's tour. George Hincapie, an American, from Team Discovery Channel, a team mate of Lance's during his 7 year reign is in yellow at the end of the day. I liked how Phil Liggett put it as Hincapie gains a few seconds in an intermediate sprint to claim the maillot jaune, "Cheeky."

Anyway, the big news is that yestarday's proluge winner who started out in yellow goes down with a bad laceration after the bunch sprint. It looked nasty on tape as there was a lot of bleeding for Thor Hushovd. I hope he's okay and can continue with the race tomorrow and contend in the next three weeks.

Here's some links to some blog commentary for those who need it:
Velo Gal's blog
Caroline Yang Photography

Oh and if you can find it, pictures of the podium girls are well worth it. They are some hot french babes. My favorites are the girls that present the stage winners, because they wear white tops, navy skirts and nice heels. MMMM. Podium girls, I salivate over.

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Superman Returns. I do not trust Bryan Singer. No longer will I watch any movie of his. Superman returns suffers from the same things as X-men 1: a slow boil with no bang in the end. Bryan Singer sucks.

Plus, the super secret spoiler of the super dude's kid just did not resonate with me. I don't even think that Lois can bear the child of superman. Wouldn't the super sperm have destroyed her body? I think more than 1 of them would've survived the insemination process. I just didn't buy it. Corny and not at all part of the comic continuity.

2 of 5 stars.

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The Devil Wears Prada. Everyone's boss is an asshole. Not just the girl's in this one. Although, Meryl Streep's Miranda can scare you, she's no different than any other boss you might have. Work sucks, I know.

This was billed as a comedy, but there were hardly any laughs. I laughed a few times, but this was more like a regular movie. In fact, I didn't think the movie moved me enough to care about the characters. I could've cared less about them, yet by the end it was over.

3 of 5 stars.

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