One of the things you do when you work for InitTech, or for any large conglomerate, is that you participate in stupid little events that are supposed to make you appreciate your job. Bah! And a humbug! Every year we celebrate diversity: the many different people coming together and creating the great InitTech. I always feel like having to say, "Is this good for the company?" That's rhetorical.

Anyway, this post isn't about mocking those events. That would be too easy. I'm wanting to mock the little tchotckes they give to us with InitTech logos. They're all pretty lame. One time we got these calculators that sucked because the battery compartment was so weak that touching it would disconnect power. This year was a "perpetual calendar"/picture frame. "Perpetual" means that it is good forever achieved through the use of several versions of a 31 day month. So tomorrow, instead of it being December 1, it's actually November 31. How's that ditty now?

31 days in September, April, June, November
All the rest have 31
Except February with 31 days...

I am planning on having my own NaBloPoMo in December if you would care to join me.
