Because The Seed is asking where the next post is today in my month long blogging oddessy, does this count?

Posts should come about naturally. Yet, I undertook this task for at least a post a day with the understanding that there will be some days when I've got nothing. Today, could've been one of those, but there are a lot of posts that can be made today.

"I've got a lot of outs."

First, as the many long time readers noticed I have updated my blogroll. One link from something I've made a comment already. Another programming one for the geeks. And one from a friend whose just jumped into the blogging pool. Check her site out. She promises to do Friday Cat Blogging but not just on Fridays!

Another out, is describing the dinners I had this past weekend. Except that's not my thing. I find my palate as too simple to understand the intracicies of delicacies. I like food, but can't rightly say why one place is good versus another. Also, for restaraunt reviews you should read Captiol Swell. He's got the dish on the dishes we ate this past weekend.

I could also wish Happy Belated Birthday to my cousin whose 30th birthday we celebrated.

I could tell you that I am delinquent in starting my final paper. Once again that damn procrastination is rearing its ugly head.

So that's my next post. What's yours?
