CapitolSwell has a really thoughtful
post on his new iPhone.
With the iPhone there is a conscienciousness [sic] which slows ones actions so you see the whole picture. Seeing the whole picture gives one clarity beyond clarity. the iPhone is the Kwisatz Haderach from Dune, the sleeper has awaken.
This is a good stepping point for my second impression of the iPhone. I remember complaining to whoever would listen that I wouldn't get an iPhone because I didn't use my cellphone in that manner. I hardly had the need for using mobile internet. It cost too much already and was slow. Yet, I did buy the iPhone for use as a mobile internet device. If it had phone capabilities then more power to it.
So I primarily was drooling over the need for mobile internet. At a cost of $20, I get unlimited EDGE network data transfers. Will I be using it as much? Well, the iPhone comes with WiFi. I got it working after some fiddling with settings, resetting the iPhone, and rebooting a couple of times. I haven't noticed if the WiFi is faster, but at times it can be slower.
Safari on this thing rocks. The user interface has just been fun to learn. Plus when I am not using it, I am starting to make gestures on the trackpad of my TiBook. I tried to page up by flicking my finger. Weird! The fonts screen are too small though. I think I may need to start wearing my glasses. Or go for a checkup.
I have crashed several apps already. You're working in one and then, swoosh, you're back at the main screen. When you reconnect with your computer, iTunes will ask to send the crash reports to Apple. I looked at the logs and they're pretty interesting.
Syncing is something strange. You have to use iTunes. I wish they had a standalone app to do this. It's awkward to use. If you uncheck items that you had previously checked, then synced, those items are deleted from the phone which, to me, was unexpected. Syncing is one way -- from your computer to the iPhone. I wanted to update some of my contacts on my computer, but it wanted to erase the changes.
Google maps rocks. It's got a traffic report on it which I have to wait until monday to test out. That iPhone commercial is true. You can find the nearest seafood restaurant near you and call it or get directions.
Mail is fun and frustrating. I have it syncing with my yahoo email account, but can also do it with my Mindspring accounts as well. There's no spam filter so you better get used to sorting by hand. It's also doesn't have the check box thing to do batch operations on. If you want to move a file to a folder, you have to open up each one and do it by hand. I am thinking about a new yahoo mail address, so I can get a fresh start on it.
I have been texting more. Mainly with Margaux. My plan has 200 free text messages. The way the iPnone displays them similar to an iChat session seems to me to make it more easier to use all 200 in a month. Hilarious.
The iPhone forces you do become more digital. Before, I barely cared about my mac addressbook, ical and others, but now with the ability to take it on the road with me I think I have to update those things better. It is truly a convergence device.
Labels: geeked, iPhone, thoughts