"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The summer anime season has come to an end. Here's a quick hits on the ones I watched.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Started out awesome, then we got into the Endless Eight loop for fucking six episodes. SIX EPISODES of the same damn thing. NOTHING changing but their clothes. I can't wait for this on DVD. The final couple of episodes encapsulating The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya was slower than I would've liked. But we did get Nagato. C+

Tokyo Magnitude 8. Alright, but I didn't want to get death, and got it anyway. B-

Taishou Yakyu Musume. Baseball girls of the Taishou period. Awesome. B+

Sora no Manimani. Great astronomy club school comedy. A

So what to watch in the upcoming season?

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"Go to DMC! Go to DMC!"

That would be the crowd chant for Detroit Metal City fans as it is translated into English.

Who is Detroit Metal City?

You've got to read the manga to find out, but be forewarned, it's pretty offensive. And hilarious. And cruddily drawn, but don't let that stop you from asking me to borrow it. You'll be laughing your ass off and wondering what will Soichi do.

The story is about Soichi a college grad who is the lead singer for Detroit Metal City, a death metal band. DMC is a mixture of Kiss and Gwar. They are a up and coming band. Good for them, but bad for Soichi who just wants to write sugary sweet bubblegum pop music. As the lead singer for DMC, Krauser II, Soichi is bad. As himself, he's good, but in reality, which role is the real Soichi. He comes so naturally to the Krauser role that his sweet normal self is almost a sham. He likes to become Krauser to express his more aggressive self.

There are also fun aspects to the book. DMC's manager is a woman who loves to talk about how much DMC's awesomeness makes her wet. Soichi's band mates are also as bland as he is when they too aren't dressed up. And there's the love interest who thinks Soichi is a sweet guy, but he wants to do things, bad things, to her as Krauser.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I read the Wyman's post on summer reading, and it reminds me that I, too, did some heavy summer reading. Heavy in the sense that I read more books in the past few months than I had done in a long time. And, no, they weren't filled with 2D girls or men in tights, they were real books with words, sentences, and paragraphs. Stories, persuasive arguments, colorful anecdotes. All there in the books I read. I'll divide the books into the genres I was reading to highlight what piqued my interest for the summer.

The first subject I devoured relates to the grand old national pastime, baseball. It began with Alyssa Milano's recollection of her life filtered through the joys of the boys of summer: Safe At Home. Admittedly, I picked it up because as an 80s kid, I had a crush on her, and I want to find out her views on the game. She's very knowledgeable about the game. It's rather intimidating as I only know it superficially enough to get by in the stands, but she knocks 'em out of the park with her experience (and love for the game.)

I also read an interesting account of the 1966 World Series, Black And Blue. The Orioles first World Series. It seems so long ago as compared to the sad, sad team they are today, but we were champions once. It's an interesting read, but I think all sports books kind of have the same ebb and flow: here's team A, then here's team B, then they meet, post-mortem. It really should've been Black and Orange as the tale (and the Series) was mostly about the Orioles.

I read about Ichiro and his impact on the game. I have the prequel and intend to read it, but it languishes on my nightstand.

The next genre was new urbanism. I got through James Howard Kuntsler's tirade, Home From Nowhere and slogged through Traffic. It's almost making me want to move into high-density, public transportation ready cities. I'm currently reading Jane Jacob's polemic, The Life and Death of Great American Cities.

I did geek out. Besides Oscar Wao I managed to read the light novel, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's the original source for the anime. It's decent, but exactly like the anime. I'm catching up with Suzumiya-sama by starting in on The Sighs of Haruhi Suzumiya. Kami-sama saves.

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Backlit MacBook Pro Keyboard

The firmware update is now available for the Panasonic Lumix LX3. I'm just bookmarking this, because current downloads of the firmware update are suspended at this time. I'll have to come back later to get the latest plus instructions on how to do it.

Also, here's a blog with tips on using the LX3. It's where I found out about the firmware update.

I haven't dug into using my new camera. I'm actually reading the manual as we speak.


Friday, September 25, 2009
Quote of the Day [9.25.09]

I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who used a machette to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

"Short Skirt/Long Jacket" Cake

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Link of the Day [9.22.09]

Hey! It's another palindrome day! Sweet.

Today, I got a cool link for you. It's about a bunch of MIT students who sent a balloon up into the upper reaches of the atmosphere to do some near-space photography. Cool, hunh? What's even cooler? They did it all on a budget of $150! That's pretty cheap. Someday soon someone is going to do it really on the cheap once technology can bring it all down.


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Monday, September 21, 2009
I keep looking for the Lumix LX3, but it was always sold out at Amazon. Finally, they had it in stock and I bought it. Perhaps as a birthday present.


Sunday, September 20, 2009
Surprisingly, the Baltimore Orioles have not had any realy long losing streaks. Just a bunch of small ones repeated over, and over, and over again. When will this end.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rays @ Orioles, Sept 16, 2009
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Sometimes it's hard to be a Baltimore Orioles fan. The decade of losing. The old worn out pro free agents. The not ready for prime time rookies. The dead arms and dead bats. Jobu does not smile on this franchise.

Yet. You go the Yard. Drink beer. Sweet talk the ball girl. And watch the game and it becomes fun.

Nothing like a night at the Yard.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

It has been another year.

The hair is grayer and there is less of it.

And there is more of me.

One down. Many more to go.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hey! I ran into this!


I was trying to check the scores of the Orioles v Yankees game over the weekend to see the NY media's take on the almost demolition of the high and mighty Yanks by the lowly Os. But every time I hit the Sports page, the anti-virus adware would pop up and tell me I had a virus.

Cool, but I'm running a Mac. Can't you at least make it look like I'm not runing an MS OS?

I mean, come on. You can sniff my OS in the http request can't you? How hard is it to parse the user-agent string in this day and age?

It's a pretty lame way to get attention. But don't switch to the Mac, keep the stupid people on MS OSes, please.

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Link of the Day [9.15.09]

Capitalism eats itself as well as its young, old and every one in between. It doesn't care about you. It doesn't care about your job or your house or your kids' schooling. It does what it does efficiently and ruthlessly. It's growth is unrelenting. It will make you happy for a while, but eventually it will make you sad.

Don't say that there were no warning signs. Don't say that no one could've predicted. Someone can and did by just looking at how things work, extrapolating this to the future, and realizing it will destroy us.

It is a cylce of destruction, and once we realize that we need to oversee this cycle to make it less destructive, we will realize that someone other than the Market should help.


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Saturday, September 12, 2009
Link of the Day [9.12.09]

You need to know how other countries can provide health coverage to all their citizens for cheaper than the US. Watch this Frontline to compare. It's amazing that they can provide for their citizens. Perhaps, the difference is that their citizens aren't as selfish or that their citizens aren't as stupid as us. We'll not do right by our less fortunate.

Just take a gander. It'll help you understand that we really need to change.


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Friday, September 11, 2009
Link of the Day [9.11.09]

Do you know that today is a palindrome day? Just look about nine-eleven-nine! Sweet!

But I just want bento.

I'm thinking about making these for lunch. The lady who runs the site says it helps her to lose weight. You just buy one of the smaller bento boxes for kids and it would help you on portion size. I have some of the plastic boxes from glad which I put lunch in, and their problem is that they're more for storage rather than portions. So they're larger than one plate of lunch. You end up putting in too much food, and you end up stuffed at work looking for a place to nap.

I'm thinking of adding bento boxes for my lunch. I'm gonna have to get a few bento boxes to alternate. Perhaps I'll get them from tomorrow's LOTD -- if there is one.


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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rangers v Orioles, April 26, 2009
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Have you seen me? It seems as some crazy, young gentlemen loaded me onto the back of a pick up truck and drove away. Why? I think I am really worth it, but I doubt having me in their yard would be worth the hassle. Maybe they were drunk.

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Link of the Day [9.10.09]

I was reading this article yesterday at work, when a co-worker taps me on the shoulder needing to ask me a question. I had my earbuds on, so she had to tap. It freaked me out. I never did get to finish this article.


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Wednesday, September 09, 2009
They put a camera in it. Meh.

They also put an FM radio in it. G'uh?

Who needs it? Next their'll be ones for fat people, skinny people, mentally challenged...

... returning HOME from the GREATEST overtime WIN in the HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE"

Link of the Day [9.09.09]

The upside down devil day? Jeez, loueez!

Anyhow. Apple looks to update something today. Everyone's calling for new iPods. How about upgrading iPhone storage capacity? 64 GB? Would make the switch instantly. But today's just iPod day so this ain't going to happen.


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Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The Snow Leopard dealbreaker. I hope they fix this bug, but I hope it ain't a feature.

This is most likely an addition for those Windows switchers. It makes us fools. Damn. I wish Windows switchers would stay on their own side of the fence. They're puking in our punch bowl and calling it alphabet soup.

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I saw that margeeboo at the FishTank tweeted about some strange dreams. I had one last night, was going to blog about it this morning, but just getting to write it up just now. I don't think it had Mary Poppins, but it was strange as all dreams are. And since we're at the start of the school year, it's setting is appropriate...

I'm back in school. College I believe, but an amalgamation of my two undergrad alma maters. Stick TU on the UM campus, but have MD weather. Yeah. It felt like fall, but there were palm trees.

I'm taking a large lecture class. I notice the cute girls. One is Asian. She's not been in any of my dreams. I don't even think I know her. Just generic cute Asian girl. We don't meet. Class ends.

Next class. I'm sitting at the end of the aisle. She's behind me with her friend.

Then she starts rubbing my head. It's my close shaved melon she's digging. She does it three times. The first I don't care. The second is annoying. The third I have to turn around and check her out. Generic cute Asian dream girl. Vietnamese maybe? Class ends.

She says something, "I thought so." Smug. Condescending. Looking to get a rise from me. I say nada. She tries again. I confront, but don't win. She stares me down. (this parts the hazy part from several hours later.) I'm running away figuratively.

I'm back at the dorms (Stanfor Residential College) bringing home a case of beer. I go to the front, but the doors are locked some kind of security screw up. I go around to the secondary entrance. UM friends are manning the security desks. They haven't aged one bit. I get on the elevator, looking at this beer, and thinking that it'll be making me fat.

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Sunday, September 06, 2009
Inglorious Basterds was a war movie whose gang of army misfits forgot to show up for the war. It didn't have enough of the Basterds and their action in occupied France.

Go and watch it because it is one of the more interesting Tarantino flicks to come out. But don't forget, the Basterds are MIA.

3 of 5 stars.

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We are family
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

It's a party!

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Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Hurry up and turn the channel from that beat down administered by the Yankees to TCM. They're showing Casablanca!

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Dear Baltimore Orioles,

The season is winding down, and your annual fade to October, started in July, is in full effect. Please, win at least 7 games this last month is all I ask. That may be hard with who's coming to town, but if you win at least one game from the series, it's possible. Possible. Hope.

Seven games will get you to sixty wins.

Is this the bottom? And is the turn around coming? We'll see.


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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I listen to this song and it instantly takes me back to 1996. Sitting on the purple couch at my Moms, late night, after work, thinking about those girls. Smokes. Drinks. Girls. I totally trip out. It is 1996 again. And I was happy. I am smiling.

I always dug this video and song. What ever happened to this band?

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Link of the Day [9.01.09]

Even the Yankee press knows we'll get better. Either that or it's just pity.


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Something witty here to say, but I ain't got nothing.

First things first: Sixth Annual NewsRadio Quote Month is on.

I just so love it. There are so many wonderful quotes. I must post more.


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