When I first started reading manga, I stuck to safe shonen stuff, usually ecchi. I stayed away from shojo (girls) manga, because the sparkly screen tone and the big eyed girls and handsome men scared me. Eventually, though, I had to pick up a shojo series. Once I did I found that it wasn't so bad. Those sparkly screen tones weren't so bad. Not all the series I read featured them, and when they showed up, sparkles! The big eyed girls not so scary either. But still the handsome men (or boys), they still are aloof and mean, but important.
I like shojo. It's another genre to explore. There are good stories found in it. I hope you read some too.
Shonen. Now there's something that's become scary.
I like shojo. It's another genre to explore. There are good stories found in it. I hope you read some too.
Shonen. Now there's something that's become scary.