While my reaction to 50/50 wasn't about my father's passing in the past, it was about my own future. It had me dwelling on my own health status. Even before, I was apprehensive about seeing this movie. I know I don't like to think about my health because it scares me.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is confronted with his mortality in the form of cancer. It frightens everyone around him. His girlfriend can't handle it and bails from the relationship. His best friend, Seth Rogen, can't handle it, but sticks with him through thick and thin. He even gets him laid although the scene is as sexy as blue balls. All's said and done it is his family who handles it well. His mother already dealing with dementia in his dad is solid as a rock. Eventually, he turns to her for the strength to battle and you know she is there.

The movie is standard Hollywood uplifting fight story. Lots of the story beats you'll already know - the girlfriend and best buddy being just one of them. I wondered though if we were going to get the happy ending or the sad. I don't want to spoil it, but you won't be crying at the end.

Then there is the Anna Kendrick problem, or rather, patient-doctor problem. I don't know, but rather feeling good about this couple, I was a little creeped out. They had to make her young to make it seem as it was above her station to know that perhaps having feelings for your patient is too much. It was perhaps misguided even though the story line of a blossoming relationship added a touch of warmth.

But the take away for me in this movie is that death is there. It will kill you without regard to how healthy you are. Young. Old. It don't matter. We will all eventually pay the ferryman. And this was the most horrific aspect of the movie. Death is near. I can not get away.

3 of 5 stars.

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