
Since I had plenty of spinach and mushroom left over from the spinach mushroom barley soup, I figured to throw the leftovers into another Spanish Tortilla.

I tried a couple of different things this time around.


This time I also fried the potatoes with the spinach and mushrooms before throwing everything together in the pan. I was hoping that this would make the potatoes tastier, but since I didn't put enough salt, they still ended up being bland. I wonder what types of spices to use to make the potatoes tastier. Or maybe I should be using another potato? These are white potatoes. Would the others taste any better?

I also arranged the potatoes better in the pan. The presentation after flipping it out looks more appetizing.

I should've left the temperature the same from last time (325F) but increased it to 375. It came out overcooked as you can tell from the color of the egg.

One day I will find a more flavorful combination for my tortilla.

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