Punter! Just because you finally got a computer doesn't necessary means you've joined the digital age.

This opinion piece about Steve Job's legacy by a "journalist" is one of the most ill informed things I read all year. This "journalist" doesn't realize the contributions that Apple had give to the computer age. Let's see, the original Apple I computer is one of the first computers manufactured for regular consumers. Then you have the Macintosh which ushered in the GUI. Next, you have iPhone that changed the idea of what a mass market computing device is. Finally, the iPad which is where computers are going to go in the near future. This is just from the computer age, which is what we're living in today. Technology you see today has been advanced through Apple driven by Steve Jobs.

And I'm only addressing Job's impact on technology. He's very influential in design and in business practices. Plus, he did own a little movie production studio called Pixar. Ever heard of it?

What a git this Robert Samuelson is.


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