I've whooped it up at a couple of epic parties like the idiots in Project X. The best one was the 10th Floor around the world party at The U my freshman year. The one that ended up like the house in the movie was another around the world party at The U in my junior year when we demolished our floor and got our RA fired from a job he hadn't even started yet. Epic parties -- you can only handle a few in your life, but if you have an epic party be careful with it and don't let the party get out of bounds like the one in the movie.

The movie purports to be a chronicle of some geek's buddies making his 17th birthday day legen--- wait for it -- dary. The mastermind is an obnoxious New York transplant who keeps complaining about not getting girls like he did in NYC, but you find that hard to believe from a guy hanging out with those losers. There's the chubby guy who is McLovin' but not as dorky. Then there's the birthday boy (I don't remember any names) who agrees to a smallish party which escalates and escalates until it became legen-- wait for it -- dary.

One last part of the group was the birthday boy's childhood friend that was a girl. You know that they should hook up, but childhood friends shouldn't be a couple. Thought they remind of the anime trope of childhood friend. It could happen. It will happen. That's how they make this movie not as obnoxious; someone learns something in the end.

The party was epic. If it had been real, it would've been truly insane. Hundreds of people. One small neighborhood. Tons of booze. Tons of drugs. Girls. Girls. Girls. A pool. Two DJs. A bouncy castle. A dog. Boobies. High school boobies. Middle school security guards. A taser. Hapless neighbors. Angry drug dealer. A gnome. All of it contributes to the insanity.

I don't know whether to be scared of how crazy dumb that generation is or to be jealous of not getting to experience anything like that in my crazy dumb days. I missed the boobies.

One thing I noticed is that even though there was beer, liquor, sex, and drugs there were no cigarettes. NO SMOKING! In all that mayhem, there was not one cigarette onscreen. And if there was I missed it.

2 of 5 stars.

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