I've had some of the dashi I made for ramen taking up space in my freezer for a few months now. I also have a ton of shiro miso in the cupboard. I think I'll make some miso soup. How hard can that be?

First, I thaw out the last of the dashi and get it boiling on the stove. It's about a cup and half of dashi. I then decide that I should put some vegetables in the soup, so I slice up a carrot and throw it in the boiling dashi. I cook this for a few more minutes. In a moment of stupidity, I decide to throw some wakame seaweed in as well. After all, most of the miso soup served at your garden variety Japanese restaurant is contains wakame (and tofu). Then comes the miso. Just 1 tablespoon. I let this cook for another few minutes then plate and serve.

Blecc! I can only get throw a couple of spoonfuls before I throw it all away in disgust.

First of all it is too salty. I always thought it was 1 tablespoon per cup, but now I know that it should be less. The dashi probably adds to the salt as well. As far as the carrots and wakame go, they don't do so well together. I should stick to the tried and true wakame and tofu recipe or maybe find some other vegetables that would work with carrots. What's scaring me is that I had some sardines staring me in the face and I wanted to add it to the mix.

All my attempts at Japanese cooking needs more research.

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