"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bagel. Bagel. Tomato. Tomato. Let's call the whole thing off.

We have a consultant working for us who's from NYC. He brings pretzels and bagels with him whenever he shows up at the office. Bagels are awesome. The pretzels? Not so much.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sweet goodness! This is awesome. Orioles are rocking the best record in the American League, and seem to have started getting the city to start buying in. If they play like this for the rest of the summer, it's going to be a lot of fun. But not as fun as putting birds on things.

The return of the cartoon bird and the Orioles playing good. Coincidence?

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Friday, May 25, 2012
I believe it's a free stream. Now. Start watching!


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Thursday, May 24, 2012
This one's for my good friend, Akeshia, who's been reminding me of fun times at the U. We watched a few movies together when we were undergrads. Perhaps, my belief that Start Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is the best of all Star Treks stems from catching it with her on a packed opening night at the AMC in South Miami. No not the one across the street, the other cinema!


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Guacamole is easy to make even a non-cook like me can do it. I just fixed some up for lunch this morning here's how if you don't know.

I took the left over half an avocado I had in the fridge since Sunday and diced it. I took four plum tomatoes from the carton I have in the fridge and diced it. I took an 1/8 of the red onion I have in the fridge and diced it. Finally, I diced a few sprigs of cilantro. This all goes into a bowl, season with a pinch of salt and fresh ground pepper to taste, and some lemon juice from the squeeze bottle.

I don't own a mortar and pestle, so mashing it in a mixing bowl was slightly difficult. I used a spoon and just pressed everything to the side of the bowl. I did this until the guacamole was in a consistency I liked.

That's it! Simple right? It probably is better as your ingredients get fresher.

I'll have find some tortilla chips for dipping. The vending machine here at work only has Doritos.

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It's a crying shame that we can't get any more Macross outside of the US. We're missing some great stuff like Macross F.

This is just a beautiful rendition of Diamond Crevasse. It wasn't a duet, and it wasn't strictly accompanied by a piano, but getting May'n and Megumi (the VA of Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee respectively) to sing is just plain awesome. If you have the time and the need you should check out the concert that this is from. There's plenty of it on YouTube so get your fingers a-clicking.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Nov. 5, 1991

In 113 minutes, director John Schlesinger can make you feel uncomfortable. His film, Midnight Cowboy is a tale of attempted sexual exploits of a young Texan stud. It contains themes that are less risqué today than when the picture was released in 1969. Homosexuality, prostitution, gang rape, and sordid sex abound and last throughout the film. Back in 1969, these topics were not as openly discussed, or shown, as they are today, and the film seems less likely to cause a stir now than during its first release. But the reason you’ll feel uncomfortable is that this film breaks down in the telling. The plot is simple, but Schlesinger’s direction is unclear; it makes hardly any sense when seeing it for the first time. Schlesinger takes liberties with the film medium. Certain filmic aspects which he uses confuse an otherwise simple story. Flashbacks occur so often that they’ll leave you wondering about what you are seeing. Odd angles and shots make the film seem twice as strange. You don’t understand what you’re seeing. You don’t know what the point is being made by the director . You won’t care about what you’re watching. It’s too bad, because Midnight Cowboy makes a good point about friendships.

At the heart of the film is the character of Joe Buck who is played brilliantly by Jon Voight. He is a swaggering cowboy who believes that he’ll make lots of money in New York City sexually satisfying rich, middle-aged women by prostituting himself. Needless to say, he doesn’t make it big as a male prostitute. In fact, his first trick not only ends up not paying but also swindles Joe Buck into loaning her money for cab fare. Joe Buck is completely out of place in the big city which leaves him at a disadvantage. He is a man innocent of the ways of hustling, and cannot hustle a trick without a the help of someone with some street knowledge. He eventually meets a crippled small time hood, Ratso Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman), who thinks of using Joe as his meal ticket in exchange for help. Ratso wants to be his pimp, but their relationship starts off ugly as Ratso cons Joe Buck out of twenty dollars. Later, they become the best of friends, and it’s Joe Buck who supports them and cares for the sick Ratso.

Now that doesn’t sound too confusing, right? Wrong. The characters are more complicated than that. Schlesinger, in his attempt to show the underside of life in the big city, peoples the film with indecent characters. They run the gamut from a two bit, hustling thief, Ratso, to Warhol-like, drugged out artists. Not one of the characters are likable. Even Joe Buck, who at the end seems to be a decent person, leads the life of a male prostitute. This is not a job for such an ambitious person. Yet, his complex character is interesting for the fact that his life has been dominated by prostitution. Schlesinger points out through flashbacks that Joe Buck had a rotten childhood. His grandmother had plenty of male friends who had visited her plenty of times; she seemed to be a prostitute. He was also victimized at his peak sexual age by a gang. What little attention he got from his grandmother hinted toward sexual advances; he could’ve been molested as a child. Who knows, because the flashbacks to his childhood are indecipherable.

The most dizzying scene of the film is the party scene. It is of a Warhol-like gathering. Artists, stoners, and groupies gather in a loft to smoke dope and watch pretty, dancing lights. Joe Buck and Ratso go the party in order to get food and maybe make some money by picking up women. In this scene, Schlesinger reaches the epitome of distraction with plenty of flashy tricks. More flashbacks into Joe Buck’s past occur which are just as confusing. During the party scene, Schlesinger continues to make the plot confusing by his untimely switch into a psychedelic state. He has groovy music play as Joe Buck takes his first hit of a marijuana cigarette. Grotesque images flash on screen to highlight the weird atmosphere of the party. Strange camera angles and rough editing also impart a disorienting feel to the party. If you had hardly followed the film up until this scene, when you get to this point, you’ll probably furrow your brow and ponder what is it that Schlesinger wants to say.

Midnight Cowboy is obsessed with sex. Joe Buck thinks to make money from being a gigolo, but the cowboy routine suggests homosexuality. Throughout the movie, Joe Buck isn’t the only male prostitute prowling the streets in western garb; there are plenty of others who have the fringed shirt and cowboy hat. They all are gays, and in fact, Joe Buck has a few homosexual encounters to help pay the bills. In its time, the openly expressed homosexuality would have been considered very risqué for a major motion picture, but now in this politically correct world, men loving men is almost casual to hear about and see. The film doesn’t exploit gay love, but makes more of a statement on the relationship of two men, namely Joe Buck and Ratso. They don’t have homosexual tendencies, but what they do have is friendship. Their relationship is like the one between Lenny and George in Of Mice and Men. One is the brains; the other is the muscles. They have dreams of going to Florida and basking in the sun. They rely on each other to the point that if one falls so does the other.

Midnight Cowboy tries hard to establish itself as an important film. In some ways it does, and in others it falls short. The general story without the confusing details is a tragic tale of man’s search for an end to his loneliness. It’s a simple story that is similar to a great classic of literature, Of Mice and Men. It is a moving film, but John Schlesinger’s direction hinders the film from achieving its goal. Schlesinger mistakenly adds unnecessary elements to the film. He imposes his authority onto the story and creates confusion. Schlesinger cannot tell the story straight, but has to embellish it with a confusing style which ultimately leaves you puzzled. In Midnight Cowboy, the telling overshadows the tale.

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Tuesdays are meatless Tuesdays. Try cutting down on eating red meat, and eventually, try cutting down on any animal flesh for Tuesdays this summer (and maybe the rest of the year). So, in trying to honor Meatless Tuesdays, I planned to have a salad.

Unfortunately, I woke up later than I wanted to so I had only a few minutes to spare to make a salad. Not really, but I'm trying to get to work early to make these 11 hour days bearable: walk in at 7 AM and out at 6 PM a reasonable day! I have to put together a salad in a short time.

I start making the salad backwards. The toppings go in before the actual lettuce. First, comes plum tomatoes. I get a handful, wash them, then plop them into my salad bowl. Next, comes onions which I take 1/8th of a red onion and chop roughly. I had some fresh cilantro in the fridge, so I coarsely chop a small bunch of stalks and throw that into the mix. Finally, I break out some feta cheese and crumble it into the bowl. I salt and pepper this mixture then toss.

Now for the lettuce, I take and quarter a head of iceberg. I don't throw this into the bowl and call it a day, but wash it out, because I think that you need to wash your lettuce. I wash the quartered leaves spin them dry which breaks them into several big leaves. I stuff this into the bowl, and call it a day. I believe it took about few minutes to do this all.

So, it's a deconstructed salad; it hasn't been mixed up yet. The leaves of lettuce just sitting with the toppings mix which I will be mixed at lunch with some leftover blue cheese dressing from the buffalo wings last week. It maybe not a truly deconstructed what with the mixing of the toppings, but I'm just calling it that for fun.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Here's an easy listening tune from the 2005 OVA anime, Area 88. Just love how night lounge-y the song is. Wish I knew what the lyrics are about and why it sounds as if she's yearning for a love separated.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012
Nendoroid Akemi Homura

You've got the screencaps now check out the nendoroid! Kawai!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
This has got to be awesome! Hotdogs are awesome! Let's open up a competing chain with Filipino sausages!


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Sunday, May 13, 2012
Joss Whedon wrote one of my favorite X-Men arcs, the first twenty-four issues of Astonishing X-Men including its Giant Sized Annual. In it, he resurrects Colossus, makes Kitty Pryde into a Buffy clone, and furthers Emma Frost ambition to be the hottest mutant alive. It's one helluva run on an X-Men book that rivals any of the Claremont/Byrne stories. Whedon forged a team from Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, and the Beast even though they battled each other throughout. Then he threw in an alien invasion that had to be stopped. All this and more happened too in Whedon's The Avengers.

What was good about Astonishing X-Men is that he added tons of action to the team and gave them a purpose. He changed their dour whining into something heroic. He made them heroes that would give all they can to save the world. He did it too with the Avengers.

They wrap up the Avengers in a great way bringing everything and everyone together from their individual movies. You've got Iron Man and his brashness, Captain America and his patriotism, Hawkeye and Black Widow and Thor. Then you have the Hulk. HULK SMASH!

It was great seeing Thor versus the Hulk. The two most powerful superheroes in the Marvel universe. They were beating each other up! And just like in Astonishing X-Men, they had to forge themselves into a team to defeat an alien invasion. And they did. And they were still a fun thing to watch.

4 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012
I did it

My final screenshot of HomuHomu getting her Puella Magi on. Afterwards she is a mahou shoujo! My favorite episode.

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Took the MBP to MacMedics because she has to get fixed. I think I should just get a new one.

She was starting to report drive issues when I hooked up DiskUtility to her. That can't be good. Hopefully, this cloned drive is good and I can restore it to as it was before she got sick.

My suggestion to you. Backup. Backup. Backup.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

I love this screenshot. Just a nice pose of HomuHomu falling back to earth. It's dynamic.

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Monday, May 07, 2012
Who's got the juice?

MacBook Pro is weezing and injured.

The laptop on the left lost its display last Tuesday. I've been connecting to it via screen sharing, but even that is going. It takes two or three boots before it displays itself on the network. When I mounted it as a firewire drive, it complained that the drive was bad. Running DiskUtility on it and DiskUtility wants me to copy as much off the disk as possible and reformat.

I've Carbon Copy Cloned her drive, but haven't tested if the copy was good. Fingers are crossed that the back up went well, because I'm going to have to try and get her fixed up. Or maybe its time for a new laptop. A new MacBook Pro with an SSD drive!

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Saturday, May 05, 2012

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R.I.P. Adam Yauch AKA MCA of The Beastie Boys.

It'll always be ninth grade and driven to a new school in the blue Golf whenever The Beastie Boys are mentioned.

Licensed to ill? No, licensed to thrill.

Thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.

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