"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, September 29, 2012

This video is awesome. Sure was a fun season. Let's keep it going.

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Panorama Vistas Camden Yards: Winning

Wow. Just wow.

I bought my first Orioles season tickets for the 2010 season believing that good times were coming. It didn't turn out that way. The Orioles started bad and continued bad in 2010. They switched out the manager twice. So long Dave Trembley, hello Buck Showalter and his pod people Orioles. They played well to end the season and to give hope for 2011.

I, too, still had hope, so I bought season tickets for 2011. That season started well, then June hit and it turned awful fast. But the Orioles did finish out relatively strong. And it did give us #theLegendOfBobbyAndy Game 162. That stoppage of the dreaded Boston Red Sox gave us hope for 2012.

Once more, I go all in for the Orioles and get season tickets for 2012. This time not too hopeful. The Orioles started out strong sweeping the opening series with the Twins but getting swept by the dreaded Yankees. It seemed we were destined to be terrible. Yet, they kept winning series by series, game by game. By the All-Star break they were competitive in the division although their Pythagoras Number was abysmal, more runs scored against them than they had against other teams.

Last night, they beat the Boston Red Sox and Pythagoras down to earn their 90th win of the season. It's been a long time for the franchise to have a winning record. And finally, Baltimore has embraced this team's run.

I used my final season ticket for this year last night with The Seed, and it was one of the best final series season I have seen. (I missed last year's final tilt because Boston.) The crowd was electric and when Ryan Flaherty hit that first inning grand slam, the crowd erupted knowing that it was going to be a rocking night. Chris Tilman pitched a hell of a game so much so I didn't know that it was a 1 hit affair. We were jumping and jumping until the final out.

Panorama Vistas Camden Yards: Camden Street
We wanted fireworks, and we got them.

It was a very successful season. I don't want it to end. I wish I had tickets for the rest of the weekend.

Thanks, Orioles, for the memories.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Oh, yeah! Generic playoff tickets. You gotta love that. Orioles playing whomever at whatever date the game will be played. And these are all so pricy. You should check out the World Series ticket. I cut off the prices, but don't you know that they cost just as much as my season tickets.

I don't know if the Orioles go, but we're very optimistic here.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Madoka, the movie(s). Double feature in the US if you live in the places they'll show it. Check out the website. I implore you to do it.

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"Dude, you slapped a fish."

Yeah, this is pretty hilarious.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

For the first few times I watched this cover of my favorite K-ON!! song, I thought I was listening to Mio. Woah. Now I figured that it's the girl playing the guitar who's singing. I couldn't figure it out because lots of these anime covers featuring a girl in a japanese school girl uniform end up being a guy in a japanese school girl uniform. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but damn, japanese guys with smooth lady-like legs is disturbing. Being slightly attracted to, even more disturbing.

Anyway. A for the cover. A++ for the exposed knee a lower thighs. A+++ for the singing; I thought it was Mio.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

iOS 6 has got a panorama mode camera. Here's where I've been locked up for the last few years. I am bored. And I am sick today. Just watching television...

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Thursday, September 20, 2012
Link of the Day [9.20.12]

Kind of missed Talk Like a Pirate Day. "Arrgh. We're slowly losing again." Ba-bump-bump.

Wait. You don't get it? Pittsburgh Pirates? Hello. Baseball. Look it up.

Anyway, I thought this night's link was pretty genius in describing how your Baltimore Orioles have ended up scratching and clawing out a slim perch on the wild card slot. If this is close to the truth, then Buck Showalter should be President.


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"Hey, stranger!" Follow that up with the equally lame, "Long time no see."


"Back for a few days?"

Only just visiting. They asked me to spend a few days in town, but I'll be going back home soon.

"Strange. You don't call here home anymore. How is it there?"

Lovely. Love the place. It's home now.

"Home is where the heart is..."


Don't we remember that it was only a few months ago that I moved? It was to follow my heart. To give it to the one who told me of love. Showed me love. Tells me of love. It's what I wanted. It's what I get.

Two days until home.


"Well, at least it was good to see you. Stop by again sometime soon. Don't be a stranger."

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There's nothing left to say about Gangnam Style. Or is there? Doesn't that guy in the elevator remind you of Mike Myers? The Korean Mike Myers!

Does K-pop rule or what?!

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Is this for real?

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Thursday, September 13, 2012
Link of the Day [9.13.12]

I need to move the prior blog posts moving. Yet, I don't have anything to say. I could go on and on and on about the magical season the Baltimore Orioles are in the midst of, but just go watch 'em is all I want to say. I could complain about work, but I'm done there for now.

Who knows? Not me. I have nothing to say.

Here's a link of the day.

Hmmmm. Yummo. Maybe I should start cooking again for blog fodder...


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Lew Ford Not Nick Markakis

The penultimate game in my 13 game season ticket package. It's almost done, but the Orioles keep winning. They keep winning and they are vying for the first place in AL East and vying for a wild cards spot. Let's hope they win the East so that they don't have to worry about the tie-breakers for a wild card spot. It's gonna be tough.

Yet, I feel sad that this season is coming to an end. I'm having so much fun following this team. I'm glad that the town has started rallying around them. Better late than never. Although you should've been watching when they were scratching out the wins in the late spring and early summer. What turned out to be just an early season surge and surprise has turned into contention. What was a joke has now become real. What can't be explained now doesn't need to be explained. The Orioles are winning. They have to keep winning. They will win.

Lots to believe in. We believe.

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Link of the Day [9.11.12]

On this, the 11th anniversary of a terrible, terrible day, remember as you go to vote that it was a Republican president who ignored the warnings. It could've been stopped. It wasn't stopped because Bush was president. How much longer must you vote Republican before you realize that that party needs to be dissolved? They're evil and they lie; they have no business receiving your vote. None. Nada. Zip. They bungled the 00s.


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Monday, September 10, 2012

Yeah! Sexy. I actually like this K-Pop song. No idea if it's a current tune or something from last year. It's ringing in my ears all day. Here's to having it ring in your ears, too.

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Sunday, September 09, 2012
The Words

The Words reminded me of Atonement. It's a story told by a writer writing at a keyboard. Yet, it's about three writers. The first one we see is the main character, followed by the actual author of the main character's novel, followed by the author of the book from which the main character is from. It's 3 stories, but it could be one.

The Words is about a writer who finds a manuscript and gets it published under his own name. Then the writer of the manuscript shows up. It is all told through the point of view of the author writing the story of the writer and the actual writer.

It is like Inception, a story within a story within a story. Who's story it is is left up to you the audience.

I thought it was the main writer who was writing about himself. But then the movie ended and I had to write this lame review up. Anyhow, it's not so good of a movie as it tries to make it's appeal through the interplay of stories, but falls short. Especially, in the end.

2 of 5 stars.

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Cute asians sexy dancing to crazy K-Pop rap? I'm there!

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Saturday, September 08, 2012
The greatest Nendoroid ever?

Maybe, but I have thirty others ready to wear that crown.


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Thursday, September 06, 2012

This is something crazy. (or it would've been had we not let them back in)

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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

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